The precent paper deals with Eratoidae (Mollusca. Gastropoda) collected from the China Coast by the Institute, of Oceanology, Academia Sinica in 1950-199], of the following 7 identified species belonging to 3 genera and 2 sub-genera 2 are considered new species and 2 are first recoredd in Chins (marked with asterick*) :* 1. Proterato (Sulcerato) pura (Kuroda & Habe) 2. Proteraio (Sulcerato) callosa (A. Adams et Reeve) 3. Proterato (Sulcerato) limata sp. nov.4. Proterato (Eratoena) nana (Sow.erby).5. Proterato (Eratoena) sulcifera (Sowerby) 6. Alaerato angulifera (Sowerby)7. Hespererato nanhaiensis so. nov. Description of the new species Proterato (Sulcerato) limata sp.nov.Type locality; Xisha Is., Hairia-n Province.Holotype No. M37334 and Paratype No. M37335. May 20, 1975, Collected by Ma Xiutong, are deposited at the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdaq.Description; Shell very small, slender, nearly pyriform, solid, spire small,slightly elevated, low coned, whorls about 8, sutures shallow, posterior of body whorl large, toward front gradually converges to a slender point; right marginal thickj shell surface smooth and glossy, no color band, creamy-white all over; aperture narrow, long, slightly curved with numerous fine teeth (about 29). on inner edge of outer lip; anterior extremity with 3 plicae, the midlle three with deeper notch; posterior teeth indistinct; fossula almost flat.Meassurements: L-6.0mm, W-3.3mm, H-3.1mm. (Holotype) L-4.7mm, W-2.7mm, -H-2.4mm. (Paratype) * Habitat, Collected from on washed shore.Distribution: Only in Xisha Islands.Discussion. The new species is closely related to Proterato (Sulcerato) to-mlini Schilder, 1933, but differs .from it by the teeth of the outer lip, which are small and weak, and dorsumTnot having a color band. Hesffererato nanhaiensis sp. nov.Type locality. South China Sea, Collected by April, 6, 1960, Sun Fuzeng.Holotype. No. M37336 is deposited at the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao.Description. Shell very small, somewhate conical and turbinate in shape, solid, spire very short, slightly elevated, low coned, whorls about 3, sutures shallow, the posterior of the body whorl inflate and toward the front gradually point slender, right marginal thick, outer surface smooth, grey-white in color, base slightly ventricose, aperture wide, long, nearly straight, angular behind, outer lip broad and thick, about 8 teeth extend outward on inner edge, the extremities of which slightly weak, on the inner lip with 8 granulate teeth, within columella with 3 ridge-like teeth and the posterior one slightly weak. One terminal ridge weak, fossula seem to have become nearly obsolete. MeassurementS; L-3.5mm, W-2.6mm, H-2.3mm. Habitatj Found on muddy and sandy bottom of 290 m depth. Dicussion. The new species is rather closely related to Hespererato maugeriae (Sowerby, 1832) in shape, but differs it by less teeth on the lips.
Studia Marina Sinica