Manter(1961)从斐济的(鱼箴)鱼(Hemiramphus sp.)肠道内采到一种吸虫,以不具口腹吸盘,睾丸单个,虫体呈横向延长等特征建立了新属转体吸虫属Treptodemus,放在二囊科Bivesiculides内。Yamaguti(1971)将该属提升为转体科Treptodemidae,含1属,并以Treptodemus latus Manter,1961为该科的代表。作者在整理鉴定1992年采自海南省(鱼箴)鱼吸虫标本时发现一种吸虫,按其特征应归于转体科。
This paper presents a new genus and species of the family Treptodemidae collected from Hainan Province.All the measurements are in mm. (ova in μm.). The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Oceanology, Academia Sinica, Qingdao.Treptodemoides gen. nov.Generic diagnosis: Treptodemidae. Body small, transversely elongated, peach-shaped. Oral sucker and acetabulum lacking. Mouth at midanterior part, pharynx present, esophagus short, ceca curved inward. Testes single, near rectangle close to left ceca. Cirrus sac developed in middle of body. Containing seminal vesicle and prostatic. Genital pore just posterior to intestinal bifurcation. Ovary near right ceca, opposite testis. Receptaculum seminis just posterior to ovary. Vitelline follicles distributed around ceca. Uterus winding between ovary and testis. Eggs medium size, thick shelled, not numerous. Excretory V-shaped two arms extending to posterior end of ovary. Intestinal parasites of marine teleosts.Type species: Terptodemoides xinyingensisTreptodemoides xinyingensis gen. et sp. nov. (fig. 1) Type species: Holo type 1445-2-1; Para type 1445-2-2 Host: Hemiramphus far Location: intestineLocality: Xin Ying, Hainan Province Date: April 8 1992Infection: 3 specimens from 1 of the 12 hostsDescription: Body small peach-shaped, without spines. 1.054-1.122 long, 1.020 -1.139 wide, with neither oral sucker nor acetabulum.Mouth at terminal of body, pharynx round 0.085-0.102 in diameter, esophagus 0.068-0.085 long. Ceca curve terminating near posterior extremity.Testis single, near rectangle, 0.544-0.578 × 0.136-0.187, in middle of body, close to left ceca. Cirrus sac 0.255-0.272×0.119-0.187 at posterior end of intestinal bifurcation containing seminal vesicle and pars prostatica. Seminal vesicle 0.153-0.255 × 0.068-0.102. Genital pore opening at posterior of intestinal bifurcation. Ovary near elliptical 0.119-0.153 × 0.170-0.204, located near mid-body slightly to right ceca. Receptaculum seminis at posterior side to ovary, 0.102-0.187 × 0.153-0.170. Mehli’s gland is between ovary and receptaculum seminis. Vitelline follicles irregularly shaped, on each side of body extending from pharynx posteriorly to level of posterior end at ceca. Uterus coiled in middle body, winding between ovary and testis. Eggs 54-69 × 36-45.Excretory vesicle V-shaped arms extending to posterior end of ovary.Discussion: The Hainan species lack both oral sucker and acetabulum, testes single, cirrus sac large, external seminal vesicle absent. It belongs to the family Trep-todemidae Yamaguti, 1971, which has only one genus--Treptodemus Manter, 1961,from which the Hainan species differs distinctly in the aspects listed in the following table:Therefore a new genus Treptodemoides gen. nov. is erected here. The new species name T. xinyingensis is for the locality.
Studia Marina Sinica