绿岛是中国台湾东部的一座小岛,面积约为15km^2,绿岛盛产小贝,数量和种类均比以产小贝著称的日本奄美大岛为多。迄今为止,中国小贝的研究报道还很罕见。 塔螺(Turridae)是贝类中种类最多的一科,现生种在3000种以上,它们共同的特征是外唇上有一个缺口,形似兔唇。作者经多年的研究发现,绿岛小贝中的塔螺即有百种之多,分布也极为广泛。
113 species of Micromolluscan Turridae from Ludao Islet, Taiwan, China areTeported with photos and brief description. One new species--Anarithma drivasi isdescribed and seven species are not identified yet.These turrids are classified into subfamilies and genera which are also breifly described. One new subgenus--Pseudodaphnella (Qii) is suggested for the Pseudodaphnella shells with basal furrow. The type species is Pseudodaphnella (Qii) spelaeodea Hervier 1897. The name is used in honor of Professor C. Y. Qi for his contribution to Chinese Malacology.Anarithma drivasi sp. nov. Shell is biconic ovate, with protoconch, blunt and adult whorls, 4. Sculpture of shallow spiral cords and nearly smooth at the middle of the body whorl; broad and short riblets above the suture, ca 12 riblets on the penultimate whorl. Aperture, narrow, slightly longer than half the shell length with an angle between parietal wall and columella like Mitromorpha shell but having a deep V notch on the swollen columella. Sinus V shaped concaved to the anterior end with thick rim like Columbellidae shell. Color yellowish brown with a yellow band at the middle of the body whorl. The name of this shell is for Sr. John Jean Drives. Anarithma expert, who confirms it is a new species. The size of the Holo-type is 5.9mm × 3.0mm (Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Taiwan) and the paratypes are 5.8 × 3.0 and 5.2mm × 2.9mm.
Studia Marina Sinica