Since 1978, studies on marine ichthyology have developed, vigorously in China in the fields of morphology, taxonomy, natural ecology, experimental ecology, applied ecology, physiology, cytology and breeding.Marine fish ecology, as a central research field, has been studied systematically in ecological surveys of early stage fish and commercial fishes, fish ecological experiments and applied ecology couducted in the coastal waters and the area around islands and reefs. The relationships among distribution of egg, larva, juvenile concentration, ecological factors, spawning ground, nursery ground, have been demonstrated. The population structure, reproduction, feeding, feature of migration, fishing grounds, fishing seasons and resource dynamic state of about 1 000 commercial value species have been ascertained.Advanced technology was taken advantage of some researches. For example, the trophic dynamic method was used to evaluate the fish production (4th trophic level) in the Bohai, Yellow, East and South China Seas, acoustic methods were uaed to estimate the resources of Engraulis japonicus in the Yellow and East China Seas overwintering ground, satellite remote sensing technigues were used to predict the fishing season and central fishing ground of Japanese pilchard.The complete set of methods for parent fish culture and fingering breeding have been established and improved progressively. Foreign species, such as turbot and red drum, have been introduced into our country and are being acclimatized. Experiments on restocking 7 species and artificial fishing reefs along our coastal area were carried out.Morphologic and toxonomic studies on marine fish focused on systematic dissection of important families and representative species. Some new ideas were suggested for systematic taxonomy (by using biochemical identification). About 30 new species I have been published and summed up in systematic search of Chinese fish speciesMuch has been achieved in successful studies on fish behaviour, fish physiology, fish cytology, fish breeding, etc.
Studia Marina Sinica