胶州湾是我国黄海南部对虾的重要产卵场之一,每年4月中国对虾Penaeus chinensis)亲体陆续进入胶州湾,进行产卵活动。繁殖的幼对虾生长迅速,至8月下旬虾群平均体长可达13cm左右,成为秋汛渔业的重要捕捞对象。近年由于捕捞力量加强等诸多因素,湾内对虾的年渔获量由70年代的2—5t,减至80年代的1—2t。
Trawling surveys showed that the young Penaeus chinensis Shrimp in Jiaozhou Bay were congregated during July-August in its western part.August 1981-August 1994 water temperature, salinity, nutrient salt showed no distinctive changes in the ecological environment of Jiaozhou Bay. Where the decreasing number of young shrimp which is largely due to the enhanced catch capability that decreased parent shrimp density to 15-20 ind/km2, and other anthropogenic factors adversely larva and young shrimp growth, all of which have caused the ave rage annual catch to be 14-335ind/h only.
Studia Marina Sinica