There is apparently no consensus on the definition and taxonomic composition of the Modiomorphidae. The more traditional view has been to unite Devonian Modiomorpha with Ordovician modiolopsids so that the family name Modiolopidae has been rejected as a junior subjective synonym of the Modiomorphidae (LaRocque and Newell ,1969;Bailey, 1983,Pojeta et al. , 1986;Carter, 1990;Johnston,1993;Liljedahl, 1994). However,Fang and Morris(1996) were of quite different opinion. Here some problems concerning the separation of Modiomorpha from the Modiolopsacea and of the Modiomorphidae from the Carditacea are discussed.The Modiomorphidae,under the name Permophoridae has long been placed in the super-family Carditacea of the Heterodonta and postulated as the ancestor of carditids, while the genus Modiomorpha has been assigned to another subclass owing to inadequate information about its internal features,especially the ligament structure. This is why the investigation of the relationships between them was long hindered. The Devonian Modiomorpha and such like occupy and intermediate morphological position between the Ordovician Modiolodontidae and the post -Devonian Permophoridae,but has closer relations with the latter.The similarity of the Modiomorphidae( = Permophoridae)to the Carditidae is apparently superficial and may be due to convergence. In brief, it is difficult to discern close phylogenctic relationship between carditids and modiomorphids. The true relationship of the latter is with the Anomalodesmata (Morris , 1978; Waller, 1990; Morris et al. , 1991; Johnston, 1993; Fang and Morris, 1996).
Studia Marina Sinica