This paper recorts the fining of 26 digenetic trematodes of marine fishes collected from Hainan Island,druing autum (October-Noveber)in 1990 and spring (March-April)in 1992.These 26 species of trematodes were not recorded in the book " Parasite digenetic trematodes from marine fishes in Hainan Island". Four of the 26 species are considered to be new to science, and are described here.All the measurements are in millimeters but ova in microns. The type specimens are deposited in the Institute of Oceanology Chinese Academy of Sciences in Qingdao. 1. Cypsehuritrema prognichthydis sp. nov. (fig. 1) Host: Prognichthys brevipinnis.Location: stomach.Infection: Four specimens from 1 of 6 hosts.Description:Body small, club-shaped, 1.717-2.091 long,0.374-0.544 wide at acetabulum level. Oral sucker terminal bowl-shaped, 0.119-0.153 × 0.170-0.187. Acetabulum convex, 0.187-0.306 × 0.221-0.272 at anterior part of middle half of body.Prepharynx present, pharynx developed, 0.085-0.119 × 0.136, esophagus short, ceca simple, terminating short of posterior extremity.Testes sub-globular, diagonal in centre of body, anterior testis 0.170-0.221×0.153-0.204, posterior testis 0.170-0.255×0.187-0.221。Cirrus pouch 0.306-0.374×0.102-0.136, in front of acetabulum, containing eggplant-shaped seminai vesicle, 0.255-0.272 long, by 0.068-0.102 wide and well-developed prostatic complex. Gental atrium opening at posterior end of oral sucker,Ovary elliptical,0.102-0.136×0.085-0.119, in front of anterior testis. Seminal receptacle round,0.051-0.085 in diameter,at the side of ovary. Vitellaria follicles divided into two groups,at both side of testes. Uterus occupying greater ventral part of body. Eggs thick shelled,39-45×24-27.Discussion: This species is similar to C. Spilonotopteri Yamaguti, 1970, but differs from it the ovary in front of anterior testis,the genital atrium opening at posterior end of oral sucker, vitellaria at both sides of testes and larger size of eggs.2. Plagioporus pomacanthi sp. nov. (fig. 2) Host: Pomacanthus annularis. Location: intestine.Infection: Four specimens from 2 hosts.Description; Body small, almost bottle-shaped, cuticle smooth, 1.377-1.938 long. 0.459-0.714 wide at level of ovary. Oral sucker ventroterminal, 0.085-0.204×0.119-0.272. Acetabulum round 0.102-0.255 in diameter, near the posterior end of anterior half of body, situated 0.493-0.697 from anterior end of body and 0.756-0.935 from posterior end.Prepharynx 0.034-0.051 long, pharynx 0.068-0.119×0.085-0.204, esophagus short, ceca terminating near posterior extremity.Testes elliptical, left testis symmetrical,0.119-0.170×0.136-0.170,right testis 0.119-0.170×0.136-0.187, at middle of posterior end of body, Cirrus pouch claviform 0.221-0.306× 0.068-0.119in front of acetabulum; seminal vesicle 0.119-0.204×0.051-0.068, anteriorly joined pars prostatica and ejaculatory duct. Genital pore at left side of level intestinal bifrucation.Ovary 3-lobed,in front of left testis, every lobe 0.068-0.085 in diameter. Seminal receptacle 0.085-0.102×0.051-0.068,situated anterior to testes.right side of ovary. Vitellaria extending from posterior end of pharynx to termination of body. Uterus first descending to testes and then ascending to genital pore. Eggs elliptical 51-57×27-33.Excretory vesicle tubular, reaching to level of ovary.Discussion: The Hainan species resembles P. apogonichthydis Yamaguti,1938 but differs from it in the symmetrical testes, the ovary 3-lobed, the uterus reaching to posterior end of testes, and position of genital pore.3. Hamacreadium gymnomuraenae sp . nov . ( fig .3 )Host: Gymnomuraena tigrina.Location: stomach .Infection: Three specimens from 3 of 4 hosts.Description: Body leaf-shaped, small, 4.454-5.236 long, with pointed anterior and rounded posterior end. 1.275-1.445 wide. Oral sucker 0.272-0.340×0.289-0.357. Acetabulum large, 0.544-0.663×0.510-0.680, lies at the anterior part of the middle half of body.Prepharynx distinct,0.034-0.051 long, pharynx developed, 0.068-0.102×0.119-0.153. Esophagus short, surrounded by accompanying gland ce
Studia Marina Sinica