

Macrobenthic Biomass Annual Dynamic Models in Jiaozhou Bay
摘要 Based on GM(0,N)model and statistical theory, a new model was developed. It is shown below: X1 (1) =b2X2 (1) +b3X3 (1) …+b n-1 XN (1) +∑(ajcosθi+bjsinθi)+ai The macrobenthic annual biomass kinetic model in Jiaozhou Bay is established by using the GM(0,N,σ)model follow as: X1(K)=2.740 296X5(K)+58.178 34+∑(ajcos θi+bjsin θi)(1) aj=-38.971 100 0,-31.517 910 0,-25.297 890 0,-29.496 220 0, -33.428 490 0,4.583 346E-001 bj=-11.412 210 0,-2.586 694 0,-9.11k00 630,-4.500 117 0, 19.019 180 0, 0.000 000 0 θ=2πi/N;i=1,…N;N=12 X1(K)+0.128 784 2Z1(K)=100.062 5X2(K)-228.906 3X3(K)+ 3.355 891×10 -4 X4(K)+4.033 058+∑(ajcos θi+bjsin θi)(2) aj=-4.283 756E-001 9.929 612 0 6.750 198 0 4.762 065 0 3.448 867 0 -1.743 558 0 bj=-3.647 038 0 3.650 911E-002 -9.081 058 0 -3.222 981 0 -17.836 810 0 0.000 000 0 θi=2πi/N;i=1,2,…N;N=12 The total difference (the observed value minus the modeled value)<0.01%. The GM(0,N) model of macrobenthic annual biomass kinetics are also established.It is: X1(K)+0.629 699 7Z1(K)=-287.937 5X2(K)+455.5X3(K)+ 4.004 538×10 -4 X4(K)+1.998 047X5(K)(3) Where X1 is biomass of benthos;X2: biomass of zoobenthos feeders;X3:nekton feeders;X4:contents of organic matter is sediment;X5:water temperature. Based on GM(0,N)model and statistical theory, a new model was developed. It is shown below: X_1~ (1) =b_2X_2~ (1) +b_3X_3~ (1) …+b_ n-1 X_N~ (1) +∑(a_jcosθ_i+b_jsinθ_i)+ai The macrobenthic annual biomass kinetic model in Jiaozhou Bay is established by using the GM(0,N,σ)model follow as: X_1(K)=2.740 296X_5(K)+58.178 34+∑(a_jcos θ_i+b_jsin θ_i)(1) a_j=-38.971 100 0,-31.517 910 0,-25.297 890 0,-29.496 220 0, -33.428 490 0,4.583 346E-001 b_j=-11.412 210 0,-2.586 694 0,-9.11k00 630,-4.500 117 0, 19.019 180 0, 0.000 000 0 θ=2πi/N;i=1,…N;N=12 X_1(K)+0.128 784 2Z_1(K)=100.062 5X_2(K)-228.906 3X_3(K)+ 3.355 891×10~ -4 X_4(K)+4.033 058+∑(a_jcos θ_i+b_jsin θ_i)(2) a_j=-4.283 756E-001 9.929 612 0 6.750 198 0 4.762 065 0 3.448 867 0 -1.743 558 0 b_j=-3.647 038 0 3.650 911E-002 -9.081 058 0 -3.222 981 0 -17.836 810 0 0.000 000 0 θ_i=2πi/N;i=1,2,…N;N=12 The total difference (the observed value minus the modeled value)<0.01%. The GM(0,N) model of macrobenthic annual biomass kinetics are also established.It is: X_1(K)+0.629 699 7Z_1(K)=-287.937 5X_2(K)+455.5X_3(K)+ 4.004 538×10~ -4 X_4(K)+1.998 047X_5(K)(3) Where X_1 is biomass of benthos;X_2: biomass of zoobenthos feeders;X_3:nekton feeders;X_4:contents of organic matter is sediment;X_5:water temperature.
作者 黄勃 刘瑞玉
出处 《海洋科学集刊》 CAS 2006年第1期190-193,共4页 Studia Marina Sinica
基金 海南优秀中青年科研和教学奖励基金资助项目 HNY02号。
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  • 1陆健健,生态模型法原理,1988年
  • 2赵瑞清,专家系统建造原理及方法,1987年
  • 3刘瑞玉,中国北部的经济虾类,1954年









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