Democratic constitution derived from the social contract theory embodies the will of people, organizes the state and represents and upholds democracy. Constitutional engi- neering arises from the practice of institutional choice in new democracies. It responds to the re- lationship between constitution and democracy, explains how democracy is carried out through constitution, and tries to find out how the constitution controls democracy. It is a new theoreti- cal approach to understanding the connotation of the constitution, effectively implementing the constitution, and giving full play to the function of the constitution. It not only includes the log- ic of designing democracy, but also answers such questions as how to control the political process and promote deliberative democracy through the structure and system of the constitution, how to ensure the validity of the constitution, and how to promote the development of constitu- tion through the interaction between participants of political activities and the constitution. By clarifying and constructing constitutional engineering, the position and function of the constitu- tion as the fundamental law of the state can realize. Constitutional engineering is widely used in the establishment and democratic transition of the state. It achieves the goal of democratic con- stitution by designing democratic institutions and controlling democratic process.
Global Law Review