
非完整性约束的平面多智能体位置时变一致性控制 被引量:5

Position Time-varying Consensus Control for Multiple Planar Agents with Non-holonomic Constraint
摘要 多智能体的通用一致性协议被广泛用于智能体的编队控制问题中.在实际工程中,多智能体系统为了完成期望的协作控制,智能体之间的位置关系通常是时变的.目前,在多智能体编队控制问题中,尽管已有研究成果能够解决多智能体某些特殊类型的时变编队控制,但对一般性的时变编队还没有成熟的研究成果.本文以受非完整性约束的平面多智能体为研究对象,提出了平面非完整性多智能体的位置时变一致性协议.实验结果表明:本文提出的位置时变一致性协议能够有效解决平面非完整性多智能体系统一般性的时变编队问题. The general consensus protocol is widely used to solve multi-agent formation problems. In engineering applications, to achieve a desired coordination, the position relationship between agents is time-varying. Recently, various research results have been obtained on some special types of time-varying formations. However, solutions to a general time-variant formation problem are very few. Therefore, a position time-variant consensus protocol of planar multi-agent systems with non-holonomic constraints is presented. Experimental results show that the proposed position time-varying consensus protocol is able to effectively solve the general time-variant formation of planar multi-agent systems with non-holonomic constraints.
作者 赵俊 刘国平
出处 《自动化学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期1169-1177,共9页 Acta Automatica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(61333003 61690212)资助~~
关键词 多AGENT系统 多机器人运动协作 非完整性系统 时变编队 Multi-agent systems, mulit-robot motion coordination, non-holonomic systems, time-variant formation
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