重庆地维长江大桥位于重庆猫儿峡河段 ,毗邻重庆地维水泥有限责任公司 .为预测大桥建成后对长江行洪能力的影响 ,笔者采用了平面二维水流数学模型的研究方法 ,使计算成果更切合实际 ;同时 。
The Diwei bridge is situated in Damaoxia river reach of Chongqing,and borders on the Diwei cement Co.,Ltd.In order to study that the bridge makes influence on the ability to traveling flood of the Yangtze river,in this paper,2 D flow mathematical model is used,the calculation achievements tally with actual situation more better.In addition,the dispose of water retaining structure at mathematical model calculation is researched theoretically.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University