从设计角度出发,分析计算热连轧机上阶梯装置各级垫板厚度,建立数学设计模型,并以某1580 mm热连轧F1-F4轧机为例,讨论该模型的使用方法,然后在此基础上对阶梯垫板的更换原则做出说明,对现有阶梯垫板设计以及垫板更换原则提出合理建议。
From the view of design, the thickness of each step on upper stepped plates for hot strip mills is analyzed and calculated to establish a mathematical model. The mill stands F1 - F4 of a 1580 mm hot strip mills is took for example to explain how to use the mathematical model and when an upper stepped plate has to be changed, and put forward suggestions on Ihe design method and replacement condition of stepped plates.
CFHI Technology