针对经典TLP在中国南海北部水深330 m海域油田千年一遇环境下的整体运动性能和张力腿系统响应情况进行研究,对TLP平台进行全耦合时域计算分析,并对平台运动、张力腿响应及平台甲板气隙等进行分析校核。分析结果表明:千年一遇生存条件下,平台张力腿系统安全;平台水平偏移较大,对立管设计挑战较大;平台甲板气隙较为临界,存在甲板上浪风险。
Aiming at the typical tension leg platform (TLP) in the "relative shallow water" (water depth of 330 m) at the north of the South China Sea, under the survival environment condition of the oil field, the global motion performance and tendon response are studied The TLP's motion, tendon response, air gap are analyzed and checked by advanced fully-coupled time domain method The results show that under survival environment conditions, the tendon system is safe; platform's offset is large which challenges riser system design; the air gap is critical, with survival environment, green water may happen.
Ship Engineering