
露天矿车流路网均衡分配模型 被引量:7

Equilibrium distribution model of traffic flow on road network for traffic flow of open pit
摘要 露天矿传统车流规划以路径最短为基础,没有考虑路段通过能力和路段拥挤程度,车流规划结果存在超过路段通过能力的隐患。为了解决这一问题,以Wardrop均衡原理为理论依据,综合考虑路段车流、路段通过能力的影响,引入综合路阻理念,建立了露天矿车流路网均衡分配模型,实现了在传统车流规划结果基础上对路段车流进行再次优化。实验结果表明,路网均衡分配模型在不考虑路段综合路阻时,其分配结果与传统车流规划一致;当考虑综合路阻时,各路段的车流行驶总时间最小,有效避免了路段拥堵,实现了对卡车调度进一步优化,证明本模型具有更强的通用性和实用性。 Traditional traffic planning of open pit mine is based on the shortest path, without considering the capacity of link and the degree of congestion. The result of the traffic planning has the risk of over assignment for a specific path. In order to solve this problem, based on Wardrop equilibrium principle as the theoretical basis, this paper considered the influence of road traffic flow and through capacity by introducing the comprehensive impedance concept, and estab- lished a road network equilibrium assignment model of truck /low in open pit. It realized in the optimization of road traffic based on the traditional traffic planning. The experimental results showed that when the network equilibrium model is not considering the road comprehensive impedance, the allocation result was eonsistent with the traditional traffic planning. When considering the road resistance, the flow of the traffic was at a minimum total time so that it minimized the situation of road congestion. It is proved that the model has the versatility and practicality for further op- timize the truck dispatching system.
出处 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第6期1607-1613,共7页 Journal of China Coal Society
基金 国家"十二五"科技支撑计划资助项目(2015BAB15B01) 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51674063)
关键词 露天矿 卡车调度 Wardrop原理 综合路阻 均衡分配 open-pit mine truck dispatching Wardrop principle synthetical resistance equilibrium distribution
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