
豫南地区1962年—2012年儿童烧伤流行特征分析 被引量:3

Epidemiological feature analysis of hospitalized pediatric burns in South Henan during 1962-2012yr.
摘要 目的根据笔者单位收治的儿童烧伤流行病学调查,分析近50年来豫南地区儿童烧伤的变化特点,以利于儿童烧伤的预防和救治。方法将1962-06-01—2012-05-31笔者单位收治的16 925例14周岁以下儿童按入院时间先后每10年为一组分为A、B、C、D、E 5组;按年龄每1岁1组共分为14组;按生理发育分为婴幼儿期(≤3岁)、学龄前期(>3岁且≤7岁)和学龄期(<7岁且≤14岁)3组。用SPSS 11.0软件进行统计学分析。结果儿童占同期烧伤住院患者的52.7%(16925例/32127例),近10年儿童烧伤住院比例上升至61.1%,≤3岁的比例高达80.2%,显著高于其他各组。小儿热力烧伤总比例高达93.4%,其中热液烫伤最高为74.8%,火焰烧伤次之为18.6%。50年间儿童热液烫伤由54.6%逐渐上升至85%;而火焰烧伤由41.3%逐渐下降至10.3%。≤3岁半数致死总面积和半数致死Ⅲ度面积最低,>3岁且≤7岁次之,>7岁且≤14岁组最高,分别为58.29%和34.98%;67.61%和43.12%;73.82%和46.03%。结论 3岁以内婴幼儿是儿童烧伤的高危人群。近10年来,豫南地区3岁以内婴幼儿占儿童烧伤人数的80%以上,80%以上为热液烫伤;3岁以内的婴幼儿半数致死总面积、半数致死Ⅲ度面积为最低,说明相同死亡率时3岁以内婴幼儿烧伤面积更小,相同面积的情况下死亡率更高,应加强对3岁以内婴幼儿的看管和保护,并高度重视3岁以内婴幼儿烧伤的临床治疗。 Objective To investigate and analyze the epidemiological characteristics of hospitalized pediatric burns in South Henan during 1962-2012yr. for the prevention and therapy of the burn injury in children. Methods 16 925 children with burn injury admitted in author's center from June 1,1962 to May 31,2012yr. were included in this study. The patients were preliminarily divided into 5 (A,B,C,D,E) groups according to admission time successively as a set of every 10 years,and then each of the 5 groups were again divided into 14 subgroups by their different ages. The statistical data was analyzed with SPSS (version 11.0). Results The proportion of burned children accounted for 52.7%(16 925/32 127)of the total burn patients in author's Burn Centre during 1962-2012yr.. It increased to 61.1% and the proportion of 43 years old children accounted for 80.2% of the total admitted burned children during 2002-2012yr.. Thermal injury,that accounted for 93.4% including the scalding 74.8% and the flame burns 18.6%,was the main cause of paediatric bums. For the last five decades the scalding rate increased from 54.6% of A group to 85% of E group,the flame burns decreased from 41.3% to 10.3% in the same time. The LA50 of the total burned surface areas and third-degree burns in ≤3,〉 3 & ≤7,〉7 & ≤14 years old age children were 58.29% and 34.98%,67.61% and 43.12%,73.82% and 46.03%. Condusions It is suggested that ≤3 years old children are the high-risk group of bums,the proportion of ≤3 years old children accounted for more than 80% of the total admitted burned children,and more than 80% of these children were scalded. The LA50 of the total burned surface areas and third-degree burns in ≤3 years old age children are lowest,this means,at the same burned areas whose mortality rate is higher,and at the same mortality rate whose burned areas is smaller,than those of other age groups. Authors call for that the care and protection of ≤3 years old age children should be strengthened,and more attention should be paid to their treatments.
机构地区 解放军
出处 《实用医药杂志》 2017年第7期592-594,共3页 Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy
基金 原济南军区后勤科研计划项目(CJN14L065)
关键词 烧伤 儿童 流行病学 半数致死烧伤面积(LA50) 治疗 Burns Children Epidemiology Lethal Areas 50/LA50 Treatment
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