分别设置样方对福建顺昌常绿阔叶次生林和杉木人工林的植物组成和多样性进行了研究,结果表明:常绿阔叶次生林(2400m2)共有维管束植物46科、71属、101种,而相同面积的杉木人工林有63科、99属、126种。次生林群落总的物种数小于杉木林,两者群落结构和植物多样性差异较大。次生林乔木层(高度≥5 m)树种丰富,有37个树种,乔木树种占优势,而杉木林乔木层仅有2个树种,杉木占绝对优势;次生林灌木层的物种数(73种)高于杉木林(59种);次生林灌木层以乔木的幼苗优树占优势,而杉木林以灌木种类占优势;次生林草本层较弱,物种数(7种)远小于草本层发达的杉木林(44种);次生林层间植物物种数(14种)小于杉木林(23种)。次生林乔木层和灌木层的Shannon和Simpson多样性指数均大于杉木林,但草本层和藤本植物的多样性指数小于杉木林。
Based on field survey of sampling plots, plant species composition and diversity of an evergreen broad leaved secondary forest and a Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation in Shunchang County, Fujian Province, were studied.There was 101 vascular plant species belonging to 71 genera and 46 families in the evergreen broad leaved secondary forest (2400 m2), where there was 126 vascular plant species belonging to 99 genera and 63 families in the Chinese fir plantation.Total number of plant species in the secondary forest was smaller than that in the Chinese fir plantation.Community structure and plant species diversity were quite different between the two forest communities.Number of species in tree layer of the secondary forest (37), which was dominated by tree species, was greater than that of the Chinese fir plantation (2) ,which was overwhelmingly dominated by Chinese fir.Species number in shrub layer of the secondary forest (73) was greater than that of the Chinese fir plantation (59).Shrub layer in the secondary forest was dominated by saplings and seedlings of tree species, while it was dominated by shrub spe- cies in the Chinese fir plantation.Herb layer was developed poorly in the secondary forest, and its species number (7) was smaller than that in the Chinese fir plantation (44), in which herb layer was highly developed.Vine species number of the secondary forest (14) was smaller than that of the Chinese fir plantation (23).Shannon's and Simpson's species diversity indices of the secondary forest were greater in tree and shrub layers, but smaller in herb layer and vine species than those of the Chinese fir plantation.
Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin
Evergreen broad leaved secondary forest
Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) plantation
Plant species composition
Plant species diversity