
我国流通企业实现“三去一降一补”的创新对策 被引量:2

Innovation Countermeasures for the Five Tasks of Circulation Enterprises in China
摘要 2015年底,我国针对流通企业提出"三去一降一补"五大任务,为的是解决我国需求和供给不成比例的问题。由于我国面临创新乏力和实现双赢、恶性竞争和提质增效、结构短板和产能过剩以及员工固化和诚信遭疑等两难选择,因而,必须实行创新驱动流通模式、严格把控质量关、积极化解产能过剩等,以彻底改变我国流通企业产业结构。 The five tasks (cut overcapacity, de-stocking, de-leverage, cost-reduction, overcome the weakness) of circulation enterprises in China are proposed in 2015, which is for completely solving the problem of demand and supply imbalance in China. At present there are dilemmas between lack of innovation and win-win, vicious competition and improvement, structural weakness and overcapacity, talent frozen and credit problems. Therefore, we should use innovation-driven circulation, do well in quality-control, and cut overcapacity, so as to improve the industrial structure of circulation enterprises in China.
作者 肖琴 张兵红
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2017年第7期48-50,共3页 Reformation & Strategy
基金 江西省高等学校教学改革研究课题:<基础会计>课程的"课证赛"一体化教学改革研究(课题立项编号:JXJG-16-47-4)
关键词 “三去一降一补” 流通企业 创新对策 深入创新 five tasks (cut overcapacity, de-stocking, de-leverage, cost-reduction, overcome the weakness) circulation enterprises innovative responses deep innovation
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