

Study on a processing method of message for the protocol stack of a mobile terminal
摘要 为了降低移动终端协议栈中消息编解码的复杂度,丰富消息的处理方式,以及在消息的传递过程中,不考虑使用何种方式进行传输,通过对消息的结构进行精心的设计以及对消息编解码操作进行封装,为承载信令提供丰富的接口(消息内容的编码和解码),研究出一种移动终端协议栈的处理消息方法。实际应用证实,这种方法使得消息的处理更加简单、灵活、可靠、清晰,使得消息在层与层之间的传递更加便利、灵活、高效。 In order to reduce the complexity of the coding and decoding message in the mobile terminal protocol stack, rich message handling manners, and regardless of the manner of the transmission in the transmission process of the message. Through the careful design of the structure of the message and the encapsulation of the coding and decoding message operation, it provides a rich interfaces (encoding and decoding of message content) for carrying signaling, and develops a processing message method of the mobile terminal protocol stack The practical application shows that this method makes the processing of messages more simple, flexible, reliable and clear, so that the message between the layers and the transfer between the more convenient, flexible and efficient.
作者 鲍峰
出处 《无线互联科技》 2017年第14期21-22,共2页 Wireless Internet Technology
关键词 移动通信 协议栈 消息传递 mobile communication protocol stack message transmission
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