目的:建立以HPLC法测定妇科再造丸中黄芩苷含量的方法。方法:色谱柱Waters symmetry C18(250mm×4.6 mm,5μm);以甲醇-0.2%磷酸溶液(47∶53)为流动相;流速1m L/min;柱温:30℃;检测波长:280nm。结果:黄芩苷在0.1061~1.3260μg的范围内峰面积呈良好的线性关系,回归方程:Y=122.88X-2.14(r=1),平均加样回收率为97.3%,RSD为0.8%(n=6)。结论:所建立的含量测定方法可靠,操作简便,结果准确,重现性良好,可用于该制剂的质量控制和评价。
Objective To establish a HPLC to deteIminate the content of Baicalin in Fukezaizao pill. Methods The analysis was carried on a column of C18 (Waters symmetry, 250mm ×4. 6mm, 5μm) at 30℃ ; methanol -0. 2% Phosphoric Acid (47:53) as mobile phase; the flow rate was 1.0mL/min; the detection wavelength was 280nm. Results A good linearity can be found in the range of 0. 1061 - 1. 3260μg with regression equation as Y= 122. 88X-2. 14, 0. 8% (n =6). Conclusion This method is simple, ra3id and accurate ( r = 1 ), the average recovery rate was 97. 3%, RSD Was It can be used to control the quality of Fukezaizao pill.
Chinese Journal of Ethnomedicine and Ethnopharmacy