

Detection of Virus Content in Peste des Petits Ruminants Live Vaccine with Simulated Application Conditions
摘要 为确保小反刍兽疫活疫苗在免疫接种时的效果。本试验模拟野外操作环境,在不同稀释液、不同温度和不同放置时间条件下,检测并比较小反刍兽疫活疫苗病毒含量。结果表明,以PBS、含1%冷水鱼明胶的生理盐水、生理盐水分别稀释疫苗,1%冷水鱼明胶的生理盐水更适合作为小反刍兽疫活疫苗的稀释液。疫苗以三种不同的稀释液稀释后,在4 h内,25℃或37℃条件下,不会影响其效价。 To ensure the efficacy of PPR (Peste des petits ruminants, PPR) live vaccine in immunization, the virus content was detected and compared in PPR live vaccine at different dilution, temperature and time under the condition of practical application. The results showed that the normal saline contains 1% gelatin from cold water fish is more suitable for dilution of PPR vaccine after the dilution of the vaccine with PBS, normal saline contains 1% gelatin from cold water fish and normal saline. The immune effect of PPR live vaccine did not affected significantly by different dilution and temperature 25℃ or 37℃ within 4 h.
出处 《草食家畜》 2017年第4期56-59,共4页 Grass-Feeding Livestock
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2013BAD12B04)
关键词 模拟应用条件 检测 小反刍兽疫活疫苗 病毒含量 Simulated application condition Detection Peste-des-petits ruminants live vaccine Virus content
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