

“Great Music Has the Faintest Notes, the Great Form Is without Shape”: On the Paintings of Qi Haiping
摘要 祁海平教授的作品更具个人风格,他从不受时尚、思潮影响,无论是政治的、前卫的、观念的、波普的、商业的,对他都没有任何干扰。他是完全按照自己的认识出发,听从自己的内心,所以他的创作不受外在影响,但这不代表他的创作是完全封闭式的,他是站在时代的前沿,对社会现状做出自己的判断,不随波逐流,不人云亦云。"音美之极为无声,象美之至为无形",祁海平教授的作品不仅蕴含了东方哲学思想与文化,同时我们还能从中感受到音乐的力量。他将中国绘画、书法的意境美融入油画创作之中,使广大观者从中感受他所带来的无形之美。 Editor's Note: Teacher plays an important role in tertiary education. Discovering, understanding and respecting the famous teachers may help to improve the cohesion and consensus within a university or college, and to enhance its influence and competitiveness. Students of the School of Arts and Humanities should all the more understand and study the artists in our campus based on the acquired knowledge of fundamental art theories and history. The four articles published here are selected from students' home assignments in the course for sophomores and juniors of the School of Arts and Humanities, TAFA --"Transformation of Art History and Theories and Practical Operation" (also known as "Social Investigation and Practice")--taught by Professor Gao Ling last semester. Adopting the approach of combining theory and practice, this course tries to combine the knowledge of art history and theories taught in class with case studies of outstanding teachers of TAFA. Through lectures and discussions, as well as one-on-one tutoring, the teacher can help the students to comprehend theory better through studying an individual artist, and to know more about the whole art world and art ecology through studying individual works, so as to improve their comprehensive ability of choice, judgment, analysis, communication and writing. The purpose of publishing four articles in this ad hoc column is to show, from the students' perspective, the art achievements of four famous teachers of TAFA, Yu Jianshi, Qi Haiping, Cai Jin and Zheng Jinyan, as part of the 110th anniversary celebration.
作者 王思雯
出处 《天津美术学院学报》 2016年第9期36-41,共6页 Northern Art:Journal of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts








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