
1000例遗传咨询者外周血染色体核型分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Chromosome Karyotype in Peripheral Blood of 1 000 Cases of Genetic Counseling
摘要 目的对遗传咨询者外周血染色体的核型进行分析。方法将来我院进行遗传咨询的1 000例人员作为研究对象,行外周血染色体检验,对染色体核型进行分析。结果 1 000例研究对象中,共2.8%检出异常核型,其中,数目异常占53.6%,结构异常占46.4%。其中,不良孕产史2.5%检出异常核型,不孕不育2.2%检出,发育异常者3.9%检出,新生儿异常2.5%检出,其他者7.1%检出。结论在优生优育指导中,通过外周血染色体检查对染色体核型进行分析有较大应用价值。 Objective To analyze the nuclear type of peripheral blood chromosome of the genetic consultant. Methods 1 000 cases of genetic counseling in our hospital were used as the study subjects, and the test of the peripheral blood chromosome was analyzed. Results A total of 1 000 people were checked out of the abnormal nuclear type, of which the number was 53.6% and the structural anomaly accounted for 46.4%. Among them, 2.5% of abnormal gestation and birth on the basis of detected abnormal karyotype, infertility check out 2.2%, 3.9% growth was abnormal detection, neonatal anomaly detection 2.5%, other 7.1% detection. Conclusion Analysis of the karyotype of the chromosome by the peripheral blood chromosome is of great value in the guidance of eugenics
作者 李春 沙莎
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2017年第15期70-71,共2页 China Continuing Medical Education
关键词 遗传 外周血 染色体核型 genetic peripheral blood karyotype
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