
玉米粒群批量整列系统参数优化与试验 被引量:4

Parameters Optimization and Experiment of Batch Transportation for Maize Grain
摘要 为提高玉米分选机械化水平,针对传统玉米分选机器存在籽粒难以实现批量整列的问题,设计了一种能够高效批量整列的机械装置。阐述了该批量整列装置主要结构、工作原理和相关结构参数;对该装置关键部件进行结构设计,分析振幅差异式电磁振动系统和批量整列轨道的性能特点;对该装置的批量整列性能进行EDEM虚拟仿真试验,以轨道弧形区域圆心角、楔形挡板夹角、轨道宽度为试验因素,批量整列性能为试验指标进行虚拟正交试验,分析相关因素对批量整列性能参数的影响,获得合理参数组合为:轨道宽度为15.4 mm,弧形区域圆心角为45°,楔形挡板夹角为110°。台架试验验证结果表明:电磁振动系统振幅为1.5 mm,频率为52 Hz,振动方向角为28°,安装倾角为0°,附加质量为0.3 kg,一侧板弹簧调至87°,另一侧板弹簧调至35°,安装配重片处轨道振幅为1 mm时,批量整列合格指数为83.1%,粘连卡止指数为10.4%,滞后指数为6.5%,批量整列性能良好,批量整列系统性能满足玉米籽粒分选器性能要求。 In order to improve the mechanization level of corn sorting,a kind of mechanical device with high efficiency and batch transportation of maize grain was designed to solve the problem that traditional corn sorting machine of grain was difficult to realize the batch transportation. The main structure,working principle and related structure parameters of the batch transportation device were described. Structural design of key components of the device,analysis of performance characteristics of amplitude difference type electromagnetic vibration system and batch transportation track were introduced. EDEM virtual simulation test was done on the device performance of the batch transportation,track arc central angle,wedge baffle angle and track width were taken as experiment factors,and batch column performance indicators were selected as test index of the virtual orthogonal experiment. The influence of related factors on the performance of the batch transportation was analyzed,and reasonable parameter combination was obtained as: the track width of 15. 4 mm,track arc central angle of 45° and wedge baffle angle of 110°.The bench test was carried out,the bench test results showed that the electromagnetic vibration amplitude was 1. 5 mm,frequency was 52 Hz,the vibration direction angle was 28°,the installation angle was 0°,the added mass was 0. 3 kg,one side of plate spring was adjusted to 87°,the other side of plate spring was adjusted to 35°,the amplitude of the track with added mass was 1 mm,the batch transportation qualified index was 83. 1%,adhesion and retention index was 10. 4%,hysteresis index was 6. 5%. The batch transportation performance was good, which met the performance requirements of corn seed separator,and the research provided a theoretical and technical reference for the research and design of corn sorting device.
出处 《农业机械学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第7期59-68,共10页 Transactions of the Chinese Society for Agricultural Machinery
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51405078) 中国博士后科学基金项目(2014M561318) 高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目(20132325120007) 东北农业大学学术骨干项目(518020)
关键词 玉米籽粒 分选 批量整列 TRIZ理论 EDEM maize grain sorting batch transportation TRIZ theory EDEM
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