
近代日本的汉籍翻译及其意义——以田冈岭云的“和译汉文丛书”为中心 被引量:1

Modern Japan's Translation of Chinese Classics and Its Significance:A Study of Taoka Reiun's Collection of Translated Chinese Classics
摘要 阅读、翻译汉籍和吸收、消化中国文化,自古以来是日本文化形成和发展的重要因素。日本在日俄战争之后跻身于世界列强之中,而知识、出版界面对维新以来热衷于输入西洋新学术而置日本与中国古典于不顾的倾向,一些"有识之士"提出汉文作为日本的"第二国文",认为汉籍对于加强"伦理的信念"、培养"高尚的人格"具有重要的感化作用,而田冈岭云更是将"汉学复兴"与日本的国家利益和世界文明的大势结合起来,通过与病魔的斗争,完成一套"和译汉文丛书",可以看做是日本近代的新知识、新思想寻找传统的根基和东方的传统语言、思想吸收融合现代知识文化而力图焕发新生命的一个值得研究的典型例证。汉籍翻译在近代以来日本的知识建构中所发挥的重要作用,尚有待于我们从多个侧面进行深入的研究。近年来,日本学界有将东亚"汉字文化圈"改读为"训读文化圈"的倾向。训读论所隐含的日本文化的主导意义,与田冈岭云所代表的"汉学复兴"旨在突显日本的国家利益这种近代以来日本文化路线是一脉相承的。 Reading and translating Chinese classics together with the absorption of Chinese culture had long been a key factor in the forming and development of Japanese culture. After Russo-Japanese War, Japan become one of the great powers of the world. However, a lot of conscientious scholars in Japan began to feel anxious about Japan's biased passion for western learning and negligence of Japanese and Chinese classics. These scholars held that Chinese should be regarded as Japan's "second national language," believing that Chinese classics could enhance Japanese people's sense of ethics and cultivate virtuous personality in Japanese citizens. Taoka Reiun, one of these scholars, even believed that the renaissance of sinology was connected with Japan's national interests and the trend of global civilization. While he was tortured by his bad health, he persisted in finishing his collection of translated Chinese classics, which in a way was a typical example worthy of academic attention, an example that shows, on the one hand, modem new knowledge and ideas' search for their root in tradition, and, on the other, traditional oriental languages and thoughts's effort to absorb modem knowledge and culture in order to achieve their own reinvigoration, a typical case that deserves scholastic atten- tion. The translation of Chinese classics has played a very important role in the forming of the framework of Japanese knowledge, and is something that awaits our detailed examination. In the recent years, Japanese academics tend to read "Sinosphere" as a "exegetical cultural sphere." The emphasis on Japanese culture within this exegetical approach and the emphasis on Japan's national interests as manifested in the revival of sinology championed by scholars like Taoka Reiun enjoy similar origin in Japan's way of cultural development.
作者 刘岳兵
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期111-124,共14页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目(15JJD770015)
关键词 近代日本 汉籍翻译 训读 田冈岭云 Modem Japan Translation of Chinese Classics Exegesis Taoka Reiun
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