目的探讨新配方西甲硅油服用时间对胃镜检查效果的影响。方法将300例病人随机分为A、B、C组3组,各100例。病人分别在检查前5、15、30min服用新配方西甲硅油碳酸氢钠溶液,比较3组病人胃镜检查视野清晰度、检查时间、微小病变检出率及癌前病变检出率。结果 3组间胃镜检查视野清晰度及检查时间比较差异有显著性(χ~2=26.181~135.346,F=7.510~42.133,P<0.05);C组视野最清晰,耗时最短;A组视野最差,耗时最长。B、C组微小病变检出率及癌前病变检出率均显著高于A组(χ~2=4.153~11.156,P<0.05);但B组与C组比较差异无显著性(P>0.05)。结论检查前30min服用新配方西甲硅油胃镜检查效果更好。
Objective To explore the effect of premedication time of updated simethicnne on gastroscopy. Methods Three hundred patients who were scheduled for gastroscopy were randomly divided into group A, group B, and group C. They received sodium bicarbonate solution of updated simethicone at the following time points:5 minutes before gastroscopy (group A), 15 minutes before gastroscopy (group B), and 30 minutes before gastroscopy (group C). The visibility during gastroseopy, examination time, and detection rates of micro-lesions and precancerous lesions were compared between the three groups. Results There were significant differences in visibility during gastroscopy and examination time between the three groups (χ2 = 26.181-135.346, F=7.510--42.133,P〈0.05). Group C had the highest visibility during gastroscopy and the shortest examination time, while group A had the lowest visibility during gastroscopy and the longest examination time. The detection rates of microqesions and pre- cancerous lesions in groups B and C were significantly higher than those in group A (χ2 =4.153- 11.156,P〈0.05), hut they showed no significant difference between group B and group C (P〉0.05). Conclusion For patients scheduled for gastroscopy, it is preferred to receive updated simethicone at 30 minutes before gastroscopy.
Medical Journal of Qilu