慢性胃炎(chronic gastr tis)在现代社会生活中是消化道常见疾病之一,镜下以胃黏膜的慢性炎症或萎缩性病变为主要表现,90%以上病因为幽门螺杆菌感染,其次为免疫因素、物理因素、化学因素以及其他慢性疾病所致。生活节奏的加快,竞争加剧,导致人们的精神压力增加、饮食习惯及生活规律改变,使慢性胃炎的患病人数增加。中华医学会消化分会结合悉尼慢性胃炎分类系统以及临床、内镜和病理组织学结果将慢性胃炎分为浅表性、萎缩性、特殊性胃炎三类,随年龄增长萎缩性病变的发生率逐渐增高,甚至发生癌变。慢性胃炎的主要症状是上腹部疼痛和消化不良,胃黏膜病变程度与症状的轻重表现不一致,临床表现缺乏特异性。因此,针对病因、临床症状、电子内镜检查及病理结果等采用联合用药进行治疗,越来越受到医疗界的重视。本文将针对慢性胃炎病因、内镜检查、病理结果、药物治疗加以综述。
Chronic gastritis is one of the common diseases of the digestive tract in modern social life,microscopically gastric mucosa with chronic inflammation or atrophic lesions are the main manifestation.More than 90% of the cases were due to Helicobacter pylori infection,followed by immune factors,physical factors, chemical factors and other chronic illness. The quickening pace of life and the intensification of competition lead to increased mental pressure and the changing of eating habits and patterns of life,which causes an increase in the number of patients with chronic gastritis. Referencing Sydney chronic gastritis classification system,clinic,endoscope and the results of pathologic histology,the chronic gastritis is divided into superficial,atrophic and special by Chinese Society o f Gastroenterology.The incidence of atrophic lesions gradually increase with age,even become cancerous. The main symptoms of chronic gastritis are abdominal pain and indigestion,the degree of gastric mucosal lesions is inconsistent with the severity of manifestation of symptoms,the clinical manifestations are lack of specificity. Therefore,according to the etiology,clinical symptoms,electronic endoscopy and pathological results,combination treatment has attracted more and more medical attention. This article will review the etiology,endoscopic examination,pathological findings and drug treatment of chronic gastritis.
Chinese Journal of Urban and Rural Enterprise Hygiene
Chronic gastritis
Traditional Chinese and Western medicine
Gastrointestinal function