
汉家衣冠明征士:瑞龙山朱舜水墓地设计释疑 被引量:1

On the Structure of Zhu Shunshui Tomb on Mount Zuiryū
摘要 朱舜水在对自身墓地的设计中,应该是隐含了某些能够表明自己"大明人"身份的元素。今天的朱舜水墓地,除却德川光圀所题写的"明征君子朱子墓"的墓碑外,已很难找寻到这种身份印记。但根据日本水户德川彰考馆所藏的部分古画,并与朱舜水的经历及明代历史结合来看,还是可以发现一些线索的存在。第一,朱舜水墓地的设计,明显采用了一些其故乡中国浙江省的常见形制,如护土墙等;第二,朱舜水墓地较为特殊的圆锥形封堆与梯形墓碑碑盖,可能象征了"大明衣冠"中由明太祖钦定的"六合一统帽"与"四方平定巾",这既是朱舜水自身经历中最为重要的两种身份服饰,也是表示其明朝遗民身份,寄托思明衷情的重要物化象征;第三,将两种特殊设计在水户德川家族墓地中的推衍,则表明了朱舜水对水户德川"四方平定、六合一统"的政治期待。 In his farewell note,Zhu Zhiyu wrote,'I cannot go back to my country,so I would be happy when one sees my tomb and says,‘This is the tomb of Zhu Zhiyu of the Ming dynasty'.'From this comment,one would expect the tomb to identify Zhu's nationality.However,no such direct inscription appears at the site,which features only an engraved passage that,written by Tokugawa Mitsukuni,has the following title:'The tomb belonging to Zhu,who lived as a Ming Confucian until his last breath.'Nevertheless,considering Zhu's biography,the history of the Ming dynasty,and the visual documents held by Shōkōkan,one can say that there are several subtle signs indicating Zhu's nationality.First,the structure of the retaining wall of Zhu's tomb is almost identical to the corresponding structures of tombs observed in Zhejiang Province,Zhu's hometown.Second,the structure of Zhu's tomb suggests his position as a Ming-era scholar-bureaucrat who wore either a hexagonal hat(rokugōittōbō)or a tall rectangular hat(shihōheiteikin).The seal(封)of Zhu's tombstone has an unusual conic shape,and a stone having a trapezoidal shape caps the tombstone:the seal and the capping stone—in their respective symbolic semblance to the two types of hats—perhaps were an expression of Zhu's status as a Ming vassal.Third,because the first Ming emperor had used the two types of hats to symbolize the country's unification,the tomb's references to the hats were likely a way for Zhu,posthumously,to express to the Mito Tokugawa family his hopes for peace.
作者 刘晓东
出处 《外国问题研究》 2017年第2期30-36,共7页 FOREIGN HISTORY STUDIES
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目"明清时期的周边认知与多民族统一国家的建构--以东南海疆 东北边疆的统合为中心"(编号:16JJD770008) 教育部新世纪人才资助计划项目"明清时期中国知识界‘倭寇’叙事的历史演变"(编号:NECT-12-0823)
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