Regarding the controversy over the "two cultures" respectively represented by C. P. Snow and F. R. Leavis, Fowles strongly opposes Snow' s utilitarian view of science and technology while supporting Leavis' s hu- manistic position. By means of different selections of values made by the hero and heroine in the novel The Col- lector, he metaphorically expresses the long-standing debate between science and humanities in Britain. On the one hand, Ferdinand Clegg, a collector who indulges himself in the immoderate pursuit of material consumption, can be seen as an irony of the "new people" in Snow' s works, and thus the expanding tendency of scientific and technological discourse is criticized from a humanistic perspective. On the other hand, Miranda, who is collected and imprisoned by Clegg, sticks to living in an artistic way, which embodies the moral reflection on class preju- dice and cultural superiority behind the gentrified and elite life of the upper-class British intellectuals. The two cultures controversy implied in The Collector not only has a profound historical background but also refers to the complexity of social stratification and appeal for identity recognition of different classes in British realistic politi- cal context.
Journal of Hainan University (Humanities & Social Sciences)