David Faure(科大卫)非常看重宗族制度对于理解中国社会的价值,其一生主要精力都用于考察珠江三角洲地区自明代中后期以来借助推行宗族祭仪而融入帝国一体化的进程。作为一个学人,他希望自己在华南社会所获得的经验和理论也适宜于中国其他地区,尽管他一再申述中国地方社会具有多样性历史进程。但是,在考察山西时却并没有找到严格按照品官家庙制度实践的案例。本文给他提供了一个支持,希望能弥补其缺憾。另外,本文从实践主体追逐象征意义角度出发,认为科举仕宦宗族之所以坚守品官家庙制度而不做"百世不迁"之宗,乃是追求一种身份,一种文明化手段,并向帝国表达忠诚。由此,笔者提出"文化配套工程"概念来解释汉人宗族祭仪。
David Faure thinks that Chinese lineage system is an important research means to understand china soci- ety. He almost Run out of life to had studied the historical process of the pearl river delta into the Chinese empire since the middle of the Ming dynasty,by observing the practice of ancestry worship rite. As a scholar, David Faure looked for- ward to his experience and theory from south China society also can suite to the other places in China, although he had known that there are different local social historical process in all over China. But, He had not found appropriate cases following the official rite when He investigate in shanxi. The paper provides a support for him, and hopes that this case can make up for his regrets. In addition, the paper thinks that some lineage practiced the Bureaucrat ancestry temple sys- tem, not D^ong system, Their purpose is to pursue a kind of social identity, and Make themselves become more civilized, so that Show loyalty to the Cbinese empire. On the basis of the study, this paper raises a concept named "Culture sup- porting engineering" for interpreting the ancestry worship rite of Chinese lineage.
Local Culture Research
Bureaucrat ancestry temple system of Ming dynasty
Ancestry worship rite in Shanxi province
Culturesupporting engineering