目的了解山东新泰地区常见过敏原的分布情况,为常见过敏性疾病的诊治提供依据。方法利用皮肤点刺试验对2012—2014年就诊于山东省新泰市人民医院皮肤科门诊的781例过敏性疾病患者进行过敏原检测。结果 781例过敏性疾病患者中总阳性率为73.0%,排名前六位的过敏原依次是:室内尘土(50.3%)、螨虫(44.3%)、早春花粉(44.0%)、晚春花粉(39.0%)、夏秋花粉(37.6%)以及多价霉菌I(36.3%)。不同年龄组患者中,儿童组患者阳性率最高,其次为青年组,中老年组阳性率最低。结论皮肤点刺试验可为过敏性疾病患者提供相关过敏原,为疾病的进一步诊断治疗及预防提供相关依据。
Objective:To find out the distribution of common allergens in Xintai area. Methods:Skin prick test was carried out as allergy test for 781 cases of patients with allergic disease in Xintai City People's Hospital dermatology during 2012-2014. Results :Total positive rate of 781 cases of allergic diseases was 73.0%, and the top six allergens were as follows : indoor dust (50.3 % ), mites (44.3 % ), early spring pollen ( 44.0% ), late spring pollen ( 39.0% ), summer pollen ( 37.6% ) and polyvalent mold I ( 36.3% ). Among different age groups, the positive rate of children group was the highest, the youth group was followed, and the middle - aged group was the lowest. Conclusion : Skin prick test can provide correla- ted allergen for patients with allergic disease, which can be a basis for further diagnosis and treatment of diseases and pre- vention.
JI Shu-meng(Dept. of Dermatology, Xintai People's Hospital, Xintai 271200,China)
Journal of Taishan Medical College