细微粒金矿石提取总体目标:一是细微粒金矿中黄金资源合理提取,同时综合回收有价值的伴生金属;二是在不污染环境,不破坏生态平衡,提高社会效益和经济效益的前提下,大大降低消耗物质材料和能源。想要达到上述两个目标,就要改变现有的提金工艺与方法。本文从论述金矿分类及其细微粒金矿特性入手,针对细微粒金矿确定细微粒金矿的提取处理过程和方法 ,根据各种不同的提取方法 ,选择最佳提金方法与工艺,提高矿石金浸出率和回收率高,同时合理利用黄金资源,提高经济和环境效益。
Fine grain gold ore extraction and the overall goals: one is the subtle grain of gold in gold resources reasonable extraction, the comprehensive recovery of valuable metals associated; Second, without environmental pollution, does not destroy the ecological balance, under the premise of improving social and economic benefits, reduce material consumption and energy. To achieve these two goals, we should change the existing method and process of leaching gold. This paper discusses the classification and characteristics of fine grain gold, gold for fine grain of gold extraction process and method of the fine grain gold mine, according to the different extract method, choose the best method of gold and craft, improve ore gold leaching rate and the recovery rate is high, the reasonable utilization of gold resource at the same time, improve the economic and environmental benefits.
World Nonferrous Metals
Selection of the whole process
gold resources
fine gold ore
extraction process