在通向盛唐诗坛的大道上 ,站立着一位关键人物——张说。张说的美学观有一种良好的平衡感、综合性 ,体现了盛唐所需要的有容乃大的特点。张说在文学创作上舒卷自如 ,特别是七言歌行。他属于盛唐诗坛的领袖型人物 ,提携了一批人才 ,为盛唐气象的出现提供了充分的准备 。
Zhang Shui played a key role in poetical aesthetics and writing of the early Tang Dynasty.His aesthetic ideology was characterized by a sense of overall balance,reflecting the all embracing attitude needed for the prosperity of the dynasty.He also distinguished himself in literary creation,especially in writing seven character song lay. As a leading person in the circle of poets of his era,he gave guidance and help to a group of talents,which prepared for the coming prime of the Tang Dynasty.
Journal of Southeast University(Philosophy and Social Science)