五四时期科学主义思潮的盛行是中国现代化进程的历史必然 ,亦为现代性的正向趋势 ;但它淹没了人文精神 ,即学衡派所揭示的以“物质之律”代替“人事之律” ,也呈示出现代性的负向趋势。学衡派批判科学主义、回归传统文化 ;批评科学的历史进化的文学观 ;反对写实主义、浪漫主义等 ,我们不能仅从对历史前进的反动这一视点予以裁断 ,在另一维度上 ,它实质上也是对现代性的负面因素的反思与调整。
The flowering of scientist trend of thought during the May 4th period was the inevitable coures of China's progress towards moderniaztion as well as the positive trend of modernity.However,it drowned humanism,i.e. replacing the 'human law' with the 'material law' as revealed by scholars of the Xueheng school,and appeared as a negative trend of modernity to some degree.The Xueheng scholars criticized scientism and advocated traditional culture,criticized the literary outlook of historical evolution of science,and opposed literary realism and romanticism.We can not judge this attitude of theirs as reactionary to the progress of history.Seen from another angle,this attitude contains the introspection and readjustment of the negative factors towards modernity.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)