陶渊明生活的江州寻阳 ,地处荆扬二州之间 ,既是历史上荆楚、吴越两文化圈的交汇点 ,又是当时文化发展与传播的一个中心。陶渊明生活在晋宋之际 ,正是江东地域文化个性的形成时期 ,流行之玄学与旧有之儒学相激相荡 ,对他的思想。
The land of xunyang of Jiangzhou between the jing prefecture and the yang prefecture where Tao Yuanming lived was hisorically the confluence of the jingchu and wuyue cultural rings and the radiation centre of the culture.tao yuanming lived in the late Jin dynasty and the early song dynasty when the Jiangdong regional culture was shaped into being,and then popular meatphysics and the old confucianism were in collision exitation.All this had a deep influence upon the writer's life and literary creation.
Journal of Jishou University(Social Sciences)