
也说创业型大学的学术资本转化——与“创业型大学推进学术资本转化观点”的商榷 被引量:2

Review the Entrepreneurial University's Academic Capital Transformation——A discussion about “the point of promoting academic capital transformation of entrepreneurial universities”
摘要 付八军教授在《创业型大学的学术资本转化》一文中提出,对校内学习者的教学服务,属于学术资本向人力资本的转化,应该是创业型大学重点推进的领域。针对付文的观点,本文提出,创业型大学不等于学术资本转化的学术创业,评价创业型大学的指标依然是教学质量、科研质量和受学生的欢迎程度;避开其他因素的影响,简单地用教育投资使个体和国家获益的逻辑,为创业型大学张目,忽视了教育活动的社会性和复杂性;高等教育在某些方面具有商品属性,可以进行学术资本转化和市场化的改革。但是学术资本转化有其范围和限度,对风险要做好明确的认识和防范。 The Academic Capital Transformation of Entrepreneurial University by professor Fu Bajun thinks that the education service for campus learners is a form of the academic capital transformation and it should be focused on. But the paper thinks to create the entrepreneurial university is not only to make money. The standards to evaluate the entrepreneurial university are still the qualities of researching, teaching and the popularity by students. To stress to invest education can be returned is only one reason to develop entrepreneurial university but not complete. The education activities are complicated and influenced by social factors. There are some productive attributes of higher education and can be reformed by academic capital transforming and marketing, but it is needed to notice the market limits and risks.
作者 蒋丽君 Jiang Lijun(Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade, Hangzhou 310018)
出处 《中国高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第8期22-25,35,共5页 China Higher Education Research
关键词 创业型大学 学术资本转化 人力资本 entrepreneurial universities academic capital transformation human capital
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