
道路绿化灯台叶质量评价 被引量:1

Quality Evaluation of Alstonia scholaris Leaves Growing in Street Greening
摘要 目的:建立道路绿化用灯台叶中11种重金属含量测定方法,HPLC指纹图谱,熊果酸及齐墩果酸含量测定方法,拟探讨灯台叶中重金属含量、有效成分含量和整体质量的变化关系,为灯台叶药材的采收提供依据。方法:22批灯台叶样品中S1~S12来自不同种植园,S13~S22采自不同街道绿化带中。采用ICP-MS测定灯台叶中重金属含量,HPLC指纹图谱结合相似度和主成分分析评价两组样品整体质量变化。结果:部分样品中Se和Hg未检出,其他元素在样品中均有检出,其中Fe,Mn含量较高,As,Se,Pb含量较低。道路绿化样品中Hg元素均被检出,平均值为0.1μg·g^(-1),而种植园样品中Hg元素均低于检测线。种植园样品中As和Se含量变异最大RSD>120%,Cr和Ni含量RSD>60%。道路绿化样品中Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,As,Se含量变化RSD>70%,但与种植园样品相比变化较大,Cu,Se,Pb在两组样品中变化水平相当。根据《药用植物及制剂外经贸绿色行业标准》(WM/T2-2004)中相关规定计算,22个样品中Pb,Cd,Hg,Cu,As均未超标,但道路绿化样品中上述有毒重金属元素呈现升高趋势。种植园样品指纹图谱共标记16个共有峰,道路绿化样品仅13个共有峰,且两组样品在色谱峰数量和吸光度上均有较大差异。种植园样品之间相似度较高,除S1,S4,S11外其他均>0.95,绿化样品相似度较小,仅S18相似度>0.9,其余在0.557~0.895离散分布。两组样品有12个共有峰,种植园样品共有峰面积均大于道路绿化样品,且峰面积RSD均小于道路绿化样品,将两组样品原始色谱数据进行主成分分析,两组样品被截然分开。结论:道路绿化灯台叶中有毒重金属含量与种植园样品相比有升高趋势,化学信息少且有效成分含量较低、变化大。为确保药材安全性和临床疗效,建议城市道路绿化灯台树不作为傣族药材灯台叶的来源。 Objective:To establish the content determination method of 11 heavy metals in Alstonia scholaris leaves,oleanolic,ursolic acid content determination methods and HPLC fingerprint,and explore the heavy metals content and overall quality of the A.scholaris leaves in order to provide the reference for the harvest of medicinal material.Method:All the samples were divided into two groups:S1-S12 were from different plantations,and S13-S22 were collected from different streets greening.ICP-MS was used to determinate the content of heavy metals,and HPLC fingerprint combined with similarity evaluation and principal component analysis was used to evaluate overall quality variation of two groups of samples.Result:Except Se and Hg in few samples,all the other metals were detected in which the content of Fe and Mn was higher and the content of As,Se,Pb was lower.Hg element was detected in street green samples with the average of 0.1 μg·g-1but lower than the limit of detection in plantation samples.The content RSD of As and Se in plantation samples was more than120%,and Cr and Ni content RSD was higher than 60%.Contents RSD of Cr,Mn,Fe,Ni,As and Se in road greening samples was higher than 70%,and such variation was bigger than that in the plantation samples.RSD of Cu,Se and Pb was equivalent in two groups.The contents of Pb,Cd,Hg,Cu and As in 22 samples were not beyond the standard according to the requirements in Foreign Trade and Economic Standards of Medicinal Plants and Preparations(WM/T2-2004).However,these toxic heavy metals in the road greening samples showed an increasing trend.16 common peaks were marked in plantation samples and the fingerprint of street greening samples had marked 13 common peaks.Two groups of samples had significant differences in chromatographic peak number and absorbance.The similarity was higher in plantation samples,〉0.95 except for S1,S4 and S11;the similarity was lower in greening samples,only S18〉0.9,with discrete distribution between 0.557-0.895 for the remaining samples.12 common peaks were marked in two groups,and the common peaks areas of plantation samples were larger,with RSD of common peaks areas less than that in greening ones.The results of PCA revealed that two group samples were separated in two parts.Conclusion:The results indicated that heavy metals contents and the content variation in the samples from street greening were increased as compared with the samples from plantations,and at the same time,their chemical compositions and contents were relatively lower.In order to ensure drugs safety and clinical efficacy,it is suggested that the A.scholaris leaves from road greening shall not be used as a source of Dai medicine.
作者 杨妮娜 徐安顺 杨春勇 赵应红 王元忠 YANG Ni-na XU An-shun YANG Chun-yong ZHAO Ying-hong WANG Yuan-zhong(Dai Hospital of Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Jinghong 666100, China Yunnan Branch Institute of Medicinal Plant Development, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Jinghong 666100, China Institute of Medicinal Plants, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Kunming 650200, China)
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第15期76-84,共9页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81260608)
关键词 傣组药 灯台叶 重金属 指纹图谱 质量评价 Dai medicine Alstonia scholaris leaves heavy metals fingerprint quality evaluation
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