为揭示聚合物经地层剪切后对油田产出液的影响,通过室内静电聚结快速评价系统研究了破乳剂YFPC-792和降解非离子型聚丙烯酰胺(NPAM)对巴西Peregrino油田W/O型乳状液静电分离效果的影响。结果表明,YFPC-792可提高W/O型乳状液的静电脱水效果,在150 Hz、294.44 k V/m的电场作用下,乳状液最佳电场停留时间为100 min;随NPAM浓度增加,乳状液分离效率和液滴平均粒径降低,NPAM溶液黏度增加;由于NPAM分子间的"架桥絮凝"效应,未降解的NPAM加量为200 mg/L时乳状液的静电聚结效果最好,电分离效率达81%;含降解NPAM的乳状液电分离效率随聚合物浓度增加而减小;含水率20%乳状液静电分离效率为49%,聚结效果最差,而含水率30%乳状液静电分离效率为81%,聚结效果最好。含YFPC-792和降解NPAM的乳状液脱水开始后的5数15 min,重力沉降的分离效果优于电脱水效果,而后电脱水效果优于重力沉降。
In order to reveal the effect of polymer sheared by stratum on oilfield output liquid,the electrostatic separation effect of nonionic polyacrylamide(NPAM) after degrading and demulsifier YFPC-792 on W/O emulsion of Brazilian Peregrino oilfield through indoor electrostatic coalescence fast evaluation system was studied. The results showed that YFPC-792 could improve the electrostatic separation effect of W/O emulsion. Under the electric field of 150 Hz and 294.44 k V/m,the best electric field residence time of W/O emulsion was 100 min. With increasing NPAM concentration,the electrostatic separation efficiency and average droplet size of W/O emulsion decreased,and the viscosity of NPAM solution increased. Because of the bridging flocculation effect between NPAM molecules,the electrostatic coalescence effect of emulsion with 200 mg/L NPAM before degrading was the best whose dehydration rate was 81%. While the electrostatic coalescence efficiency of emulsion containing degrading NPAM decreased with increasing NPAM concentration. The electrostatic coalescence efficiency of 20% moisture content emulsion was the worst(49%),while that of 30% moisture content emulsion was the best(81%). Within 5—15 min after the dehydration of W/O emulsion containing YFPC-792 and degrading NPAM,the W/O emulsion separating effect of gravity sedimentation was better than that of electrostatic separation effect,and then the opposite.
Oilfield Chemistry