
四川唐、五代观无量寿经变光明转与宝船因素分析 被引量:5

On The Light Circles and Treasure Ships in The Cliff Reliefs of Illustrated Amitayurdhyana Sutra of The Tang through Five Dynasties in Sichuan Area
摘要 本文着眼于四川唐、五代观无量寿经变中光明转与宝船两种特殊因素,就其图像类型、地域特征及思想意涵进行了系统阐述。光明转图像可分为转中空白与具有佛或佛国两类表现,表述了阿弥陀佛光明最尊最胜、遍照十方佛国的意涵,以及救济众生、劝导信众念佛的功能。宝船图像分为大型龙头式楼船与小型龙舟两类,与净土法门的易行道思想密切关联。光明转与宝船均呈现由川中向川东发展的趋势,唐两京地区可能为四川观无量寿经变的粉本来源地。 This thesis focuses on the image form, regional style and connotation of the light circles whirling outward and upward above the head of the Buddha and the treasure ships, which are two symbols in the cliff relief of illustrated Amitayurdhyana sutra of the Tang through Five Dynasties in Sichuan area. The light circles have two forms----an empty circle and a circle round a Buddha or Buddha land, which symbolize the infinite Amitabha shining the heaven with boundless light, savingthe beings from hardships and persuading believers into praying to Buddha. The treasure ships are divided into the large dragon-headed ship with pavilion and the small dragon boat, both of which embody the idea of Easy Path of the Pure Land. The Buddhist representation of light circles and treasure ships moved from central Sichuan to eastern Sichuan area. The illustrated Amitayurdhyana sutra in Sichuan area probably originated from the capitals of Chang'an and Luoyang in the Tang Dynasty.
作者 孙明利
出处 《故宫博物院院刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期119-131,共13页 Palace Museum Journal
关键词 四川 唐五代 观无量寿经变 光明转 宝船 Sichuan area the Tang and Five Dynasties illustrated Amitayurdhyana sutra light circle treasure ship
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