
对国家油菜籽临时收储政策的几点思考——效果、问题及其取消后的影响 被引量:14

Thoughts on the national rapeseed provisional reserve policy:Effects,problems and cancellation impacts
摘要 作为一项农产品价格支持政策,油菜籽临时收储政策在执行期内保障了种植户的基本销售收入,稳定了市场价格,在政策执行区域内增加了油菜种植面积。但政策执行期间也出现了库存积压严重、进口依存度上升、收储品质欠佳、进口菜籽油顶替入库、财政负担较重和超出WTO补贴规则限制等问题。2015年政策取消后,短期内出现国内外市场价差迅速减小、农户种植收益和意愿下降、油脂加工企业利润增加和油菜籽进口量降低等产业影响。预计长期将出现国内外市场价差趋于稳定、种植户商品率下降、油脂加工企业产能向沿海转移和进口量恢复等产业影响。建议未来同类政策进行设计和调整时应明确政策执行目标,保持政策灵活性,为市场主体预留充足反应时间,并合理确定政策支持方式和支持力度。 As a price support policy of agricultural products,during the implementation period,rapeseed provisional reserve policy ensured farmers' basic sales revenue,stabilized the market price and increased rapeseed planting area in the policy implementation area.But there are also some problems in the same period,such as heavy inventory,rising degree of dependence on imports,poor quality,imported rapeseed oil replacing the local products,heavy financial burden,and exceeding the limitation of WTO subsidy rules.Since the cancellation of the policy in 2015,the short run impacts have shown up,including rapidly decreased price gap between domestic and international markets,decreased farmers' income and planting willingness,increased profit for processing enterprises,and reduced rapeseed imports.It is anticipated that the long run influence will show up,including stabilized price gap between local and international markets,decreased commercialization rate of farmers' rapeseed products,moving of processing enterprises to coastal areas,and increased rapeseed imports.Therefore,this paper suggests to have clear policy goals,to keep policy flexible,to set aside sufficient reaction time for market entity,and to make reasonable policy support system and level.
作者 冷博峰 李谷成 冯中朝 LENG Bo-feng LI Gu-cheng FENG Zhong-chao(College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China Hubei Rural Development Research Center, Wuhan, Hubei 430070, China)
出处 《农业现代化研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2017年第4期632-639,共8页 Research of Agricultural Modernization
基金 国家油菜产业技术体系(CARS-13) 教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目(14YJC790112) 华中农业大学博士研究生创新研究工程项目(2014bs33) 国家自然科学基金项目(71473100)~~
关键词 油菜 临时收储政策 价格支持 农业补贴 农产品价格形成机制 rapeseed provisional reserve policy price support policy agricultural subsidy agricultural product priceforming mechanism
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