
罗文藻及其在“礼仪之争”中的历史地位与影响 被引量:3

LUO Wen-zao and His Historical Status and Influence in “Chinese Rites Controversy”
摘要 17世纪中叶以降,葡萄牙和西班牙国势中衰,罗马教廷试图借此机遇,从葡、西王权处收回"保教权",以重现往昔的辉煌。为此,罗马教廷设置了"宗座代牧"体制,并派出以法国外方传教会为主体的传教士前来中国,以扩张教廷的影响力。这派传教士坚持反对利玛窦一派的传教方针,"礼仪之争"的烽火重燃。在这场事件中,第一位中国籍的天主教主教罗文藻(1616-1691),以中国传统文化为基点,以超时代的视野与魄力与"欧洲中心论"代表性人物罗马教廷的"神学权威"闫当(Carolus Maigrot,1652-1730)展开斗争,维护了教会的传教事业。同时,他坚持传教事业"本土化"策略,遵从中国礼仪,维护了中国礼仪。罗文藻在"礼仪之争"中的文化抗争,展现了部分中国人在明清之际东西文化交流中的光辉形象,值得当下学人仔细研究。 Since the mid-seventeenth century, with the decline of the national strength of Portugal and Spain, the Roman Curia tried to take this opportunity to withdraw the "Patronage" from the kingship of Portugal and Spain, in order to reemerge its past glory. For this reason, the Roman Curia set up the system of Apostolic Vicariate, and dispatched the missionaries with the French Paris Foreign Missions Society (Missions Etrangeres de Paris) as the main representative, in order to expand its influence. These missionaries opposed the missionary policy put forward by Matteo Ricci, resulting in the restrike of the flame of war of "Chinese Rites Controversy". In this case, LUO Wen-zao (1616-1691), the first Catholic bish- op with Chinese nationality, based on traditional Chinese culture and with the vision and courage beyond that time, fought against Carolus Maigrot (1652-1730), an "authority of theology" in Roman Curia and a representative of "Eurocentrism", which preserved the church's missionary activities. Meanwhile, LUO adhered to the strategy of the "indigenization" of missionary activities and complied with Chinese rites, which also preserved it. The life of LUO Wen-zao and his historical status and influence in "Chinese Rites Controversy", which shows the great image of part of the Chinese in the cultural exchanges between the East and the West between Ming and Qing Dynasty, is worthy of being studying carefully by current scholars.
作者 张铠 ZHANG Kai
出处 《北京行政学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期117-128,共12页 Journal of Beijing administration institute
关键词 罗文藻 礼仪之争 中国籍主教 “保教权” 宗座代牧制 闫当 LUO Wen-zao Chinese Rites Controversy bishop with Chinese nationality "Patronage" Apostolic Vicariate Carolus Maigrot
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