
科技创新与科技金融耦合系统模型多维测度 被引量:2

Multi-dimensional Measurement of the Coupling System Model of Sci-tech Innovation and Sci-tech Finance
摘要 在建立科技金融与科技创新耦合协调系统评价指标体系的基础上,采用属性层次模型和熵值法确定指标权重,运用耦合系统模型从时空维度对湖南省科技金融与创新的协调发展程度进行应用研究。从时间维度研究表明:2001-2012年湖南省14个城市的科技金融与科技创新协调发展水平呈两极化趋势,总体水平偏低。从空间维度研究表明:湖南省科技创新与科技金融耦合协调度具有明显的区域不平衡性,长株潭核心板块耦合协调水平最高,大湘西区域板块耦合协调度最低,发展速度最慢。从两个子系统综合评价指数的对比可知,科技创新与科技金融共损是湖南省科技产业发展中的普通现象。 In this paper the evaluation index system of coupling coordination system of sci - tech finance and sci -teeh innovation is constructed. Attribute hierarchy model and entropy method are used to determine index weights and the coupled system model is used for an empirical research from the dimension of space - time on the coordinated development level of the sei - teeh finance and sci - tech innovation in Hunan province. The research finds that from the time dimension the level of development of sei - tech finance and sci - teeh innovation in 14 cities in Hunan province demonstrated polarization in 2001 -2012, the overall level being low- from the spatial dimension, the research finds that there is obvious regional imbalance in sei - teeh finance and - tech innovation coordination in ttunan province. The highest level of coupling coordination is in the core plate of Changsha, Zhuzhou, Xiangtan, while the coupling degree in Xiangxi regional plate is the lowest and the development is the slowest. From the comparison of the comprehensive evaluation index of the two subsystems, it can he inferred that the simultaneous losses in sci - tech finance and sei - teeh innovation is a common phenomenon in the development of science and technology industry in Hunan province.
作者 朱艳娜 何刚 乔国通 ZHU Yan- ha HE Gang QIAO Guo- tong(School of Economics and Management, Anhui University Of Science And Technology, Huainan, Anhui 232001, China)
出处 《安徽理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2017年第1期38-42,共5页 Journal of Anhui University of Science and Technology:Social Science
基金 全国统计科学研究项目(2015LZ21) 安徽省社会科学创新发展研究攻关项目(2016CX068)
关键词 科技创新 科技金融 耦合系统模型 scienee and technology innovation science and technology finance coupling system model
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