
交通优势度评价模型的改进及其在河南省的应用 被引量:7

Improvement of Evaluation Model of Transportation Superiority Degree and Its Application in Henan
摘要 地形地貌是影响交通运输发展的基础性因素之一,但在现有的交通优势度评价模型中普遍被忽视.构建包括路网密度、可达性和区位优势度三方面的基础交通优势度评价模型,然后在其上加权包括海拔、坡度、地形起伏度等在内的地形修正系数,得到一个包含地形条件的改进交通优势度评价模型,对河南省126个县市的交通优势度进行评价.结果表明:全省交通优势度总体呈现东北高西南低的特点,中心城市和交通线路相交的县市有较强的对外辐射作用;河南省4个经济区之间交通优势度差异显著,自高到低排序依次为:中原城市群、豫北经济区、黄淮经济区、豫西经济区;加权地形修正系数后的交通优势度高值区向东部黄淮海平原移动,与未考虑地形条件的交通优势度评价结果相比,西部山地和丘陵地区交通环境被高估的情况有所改善. Natural terrain is one of the basic factors that affect the development of transportation, but it is generally ignored in the existing evaluation model of transport superiority degree. Traffic is the link of spatial economic activities and the fundamental guarantee for the realization of social division. Regional traffic condition is an important indicator of the development of the region and plays a significant role in regional economic development. It is very important to evaluate a regional traffic condition scientifically and objectively. In the article, combining with the characteristics of its own development in Henan and using network analysis function of GIS, the transportation superiority degree of 126 counties in Henan Province was anaiyzed. The revised evaluation model of transportation superiority degree containing transport network density, accessibiIity, location superiority as well as natural geographical elements shch as elevation, slope, surface, relief and roughness was established to evaluate the county ievel transportation superiority in Henan in 2011. The main result shows that: regional disparity of county's transportation superiority is significant different in Henan, and transportation superiority presents a clean feature of "center-periphery" and reduces gradually from center to periphery. According to the regional division traffic center's radiation effect is obvious. The difference is significant between the 4 economic zones in Henan. The counties which are higher than the average value of the transportation superiority are mainly concentrated in the areas of middle and northwest of Henan. Central city and the areas of road intersection generally have higher transportation superiority degree. The mountain areas and border districts have lower transportation superiority degree. Compared with the original model of transportation superiority degree, the revised evaluation model results is more close to the objective facts. All in all, the transportation infrastructure in most counties is ahead of regional economic development, and Henan should take full advantage of the existing traffic advantage support to accelerate the development of county economy. Aiming at the regional wordinated and balanced development of Henan Province, based on the difference of the traffic conditions and economic level, we should establish different traffic and economic development policies to realize the coordinated development of economy and transportation.
作者 闵敏 苗长虹 钟佳慧 MIN Min MIAO Changhong ZHONG Jiahui(Henan University Key Research Institute of Yellow River Civilization and Sustainable Development & Collaborative Innovation Center on Yellow River Civilization of Henan Province College of Environment and Planning, Henan Kaifeng 475004, China)
出处 《河南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2017年第4期409-417,共9页 Journal of Henan University:Natural Science
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41430637 41329001)
关键词 交通优势度 地形因子 空间格局 河南省 transportation superiority topographic factors spatial pattern Henan Province
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