
从“弱国家的神话”到“社会中的国家”:美国早期国家研究的新趋势 被引量:3

From “the Myth of Weak State ” to “State in Society ”: A New Trend in the Study of Early American History
摘要 20世纪80年代以来,伴随着美国政治发展学派的兴起,美国学者开始摒弃充斥着意识形态迷思的"弱"国家叙事,转而试图将国家"找回"。这种以"国家中心论"来取代"社会中心论"的努力虽然为美国早期的国家研究打开了新的视野,但由于未能摆脱欧洲大陆韦伯国家观的影响,未能超越既有的"国家—社会"二元对立视角,最终也没能提供令人信服的美国国家叙事。近年来,在批判性继承"回归学派"理论贡献的基础上,美国新一代研究者试图以"社会中的国家"为核心概念建构符合美国发展道路的国家理论。重审当下美国国家研究的这一最新趋势,对于我们思考国家建构路径的多元性、国家与社会关系的复杂性、国家与民主的耦合性等问题有着重要的启示意义。 From the 1980s,due to the rise of American Political Development(APD),American scholars began to rethink the'weak-state'narrative and attempting'to bring the state back in.'By replacing the societycentered rhetoric with the state-centered narrative,APD scholars broadened our views on the role and formation of modern state.However,it seems that they were still unable to offer a convincing narrative about how the state played its part in shaping American society and history.One reason is that these scholars remained adherent to the Weberian model prevalent in continental Europe,believing in statesociety dichotomy.In recent years,by absorbing critically the'bringing the state back in'idea,scholars of a younger generation have begun to put forward a new political narrative on American state-building,exploring further the'state in society'theory.Examining this new trend in the study of American state is a worthwhile exercise,for it helps us see the diverse development of state formation,the complexity of statesociety relations and the coupling between state and democracy.
作者 徐扬 田雷
出处 《史学理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期70-79,共10页 Historiography Bimonthly
基金 重庆市研究生科研创新项目资助(项目编号:CYB14039)的阶段性成果
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  • 5Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol, eds. , Bring the State Back In , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985.
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  • 10Peter Evans, Dietrich Rueschemeyer, and Theda Skocpol, eds. , Bring the State Back In , Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1985.












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