

Analysis on Medical Ethical Implication of The Law of Armed Conflict
摘要 武装冲突法作为国际法的重要组成部分,其根本宗旨是通过限制作战武器、规范作战方法(海牙法),保护武装冲突的受难者并改善其境遇条件(日内瓦法),解决武装冲突中存在的人道问题,实现战争中的人性关爱。因此,以人道为核心的武装冲突法,内含丰富的医学伦理意蕴,突出表现为:武装冲突法立法精神与医学人道主义具有高度契合性,在保证战争"军事需要"的基础上,最大限度地实现"人道要求";武装冲突法的法理原则与医学伦理原则具有高度契合性,其军事必要、人道、区分、比例、限制等原则与医学伦理不伤害、尊重、公正、最优化等原则存在内在一致性;武装冲突法的具体规范与医学伦理规范具有高度契合性,要求严格执行医学伦理原则、坚守自主和知情同意、保护患者隐私、对死者遗体尊重与保护等。 As an important part of International Law, the fundamental aim of the Law of Armed Conflict is to solve the humanitarian problems of armed conflict and combat weapons, standardizing the methods of warfare to achieve the humanity caring in the war, by limiting the (The Law of Hague), protecting the victims of armed con- flicts and improving their situation (The Law of Geneva). Therefore, taking humanity as the core, the Law of Armed Conflict implicates rich medical ethics. The legislative spirit of the Law of Armed Conflict and the medical humanitarianism are mutually compatible, which realize the maximum of the "humanitarian requirements" on the basis of ensuring the "military needs" of war; the legal principles of the Law of Armed Conflict are in conformity with the moral principles of medical ethics, namely, the principles of "military necessity, humanity, distinction, proportion and restriction" are internally matched with the principles of "no harm, respect, justice, optimization" ; the specifications of the Law of Armed Conflict conform to the medical ethics norms, which demand to implement the principles of medical ethics, to adhere to independence and informed consent, to protect of patient privacy, and to respect for the remains of the deceased, and so on.
作者 常运立
出处 《中国医学伦理学》 2017年第7期797-801,共5页 Chinese Medical Ethics
基金 国家社会科学基金青年项目"军事精神医学伦理研究" 项目编号:14CZX061 中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目"道德创伤:一种新的战争创伤范式" 项目编号:2016M592210
关键词 武装冲突法 人道主义 医学伦理 The Law of Armed Conflict Humanitarianism Medical Ethics
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