研究了PNN-PZT压电陶瓷的制备情况与性能表征。PNN-PZT陶瓷的铁电性与压电性得到证实。使用TF Analyzer 2000测量极化强度与电场之间的关系,结果表明PNN-PZT材料有典型的铁电性。采用传统的固相合成工艺,组分中多加1%Pb O,可防止焦绿石相产生。它能使得压电陶瓷的压电常数d33达到425p C/N,机械品质因数Qm到115,介质损耗也很小。研究了合成温度、烧结温度和极化等制备工艺对材料结构和性能的影响。
A study on the fabrication and performance analysis of PNN-PZT piezoelectric ceramic is introduced.The ferroeleetricity and piezoelectricity of PNN-PZT was confirmed.The polarization versus electric field relationship was measured by TF Analyzer 2000 and the result exhibits the typical ferroelectrieity of the PNN-PZT material.Using the traditional solid-state reaction method, 1% PbO excess was in order to prevent the formation of pyrechlore phase during sintering.The piezoelectric constant d33 is up to 425 pC/N,and the mechanieal quality factor Qm is 115,The dielectric loss is small.The effects of sintering temperature and polarization on the microstruetures and properties of the piezoelectric ceramic were investigated.
CHEN Yan-dong(China Helicopter Research and Development lnstitute,Tianjin 300300,Chin)
Science & Technology Vision