为了研究高倍苹果果浆加工工艺以及关键技术,以新鲜富士、小国光苹果为原料,研究了冷打浆和热打浆相结合的出浆方式及高倍浓缩相关技术参数,旨在探明高倍苹果果浆加工关键技术。结果表明:破碎时采用18~20mm的筛网;冷打浆时的筛网孔径为1.6~2.0 mm,打浆机转速控制在1 450 r/min,热打浆时打浆温度为93℃~95℃,筛网孔径为0.5~0.6 mm,能够最大限度地提高出浆率。三效强制循环蒸发浓缩的最佳参数为:一效温度60℃~70℃,真空度71.82~77.14 k Pa;二效温度40℃~45℃,真空度350~380 mm Hg;三效温度50℃~60℃,真空度46.55~50.54 k Pa。将高倍苹果果浆加工关键技术应用于生产,富士和小国光苹果原料按1︰1比例搭配,出浆率高于85.0%、可溶性固形物含量高于38.0%,果浆Bostwick黏度<9 cm/30 s,果肉含量超过45.0%。采用低温高效出浆技术和高倍浓缩技术生产的高倍苹果果浆,果浆出浆率高、可溶性固形物含量高、果肉含量高,产品质量稳定。
In order to study the apple pulp technology and the key processing technology, this research used fresh apples of Fuji and Rail Janet as raw material, adopted low temperature, high efficient slurry technology with hot and cold break by the combined of high concentration technology to process apple puree. The results showed that when the apple was broken, it was feasible to use 18-20 mm mesh; the cold beating parameters as follows: mesh pore size of 1.6-2.0 mm, beater speed control at 1 450 r/min; the heat beating parameters as follows: beating temperature of 93℃-95 ℃, mesh pore size of 0.5-0.6 mm, thus it could maximize the rate of slurry; With triple effect mandatory forced circulation evaporator, it could improve the soluble solids content of fruit puree, and forced circulation evaporator temperature and vacuum degree are obtained by optimization as follows: the first effect temperature was 60 ℃-70℃ and vacuum degree was 71.82-77.14 kPa, the second effect temperature was 40 ℃-45 ℃ and vacuum degree was 46.55-50.54 kPa, the third effect temperature was 50 ℃-60 ℃ and vacuum degree was 350-380 mmHg. Application of key technology research in pulp processing of apple, the rate of puree was higher than 85.0% when apples of Fuji and Rail Janet as raw material according to 1:1 ratio, soluble solids content was higher than 38.0%, Bostwick viscosity was under 9 era/30 s, the puree volume percentage was higher than 45.0%. By adopting low temperature, high efficient pulp technology and high concentration technology to produce apple pulp, products had a high pulp yield, soluble solid content and pulp content were high, and the product quality was stable.
The Food Industry
apple pulp
cold break
hot break
forced circulation evaporator