文章首先简要介绍了语音分离器的电路原理和设计指标,然后给出了一种基于Microwave Office仿真工具来实现对语音分离器产品仿真设计的方法,并将仿真结果和实际样品测试值进行了对比。本设计仿真方法简单有效,可大大提高语音分离器产品的设计开发效率,加快开发进度。
This paper briefly introduces the circuit principle, main design specification of POTS splitter, and then mainly discusses a simulation design method of POTS splitter using Microwave Office design tool, finally make a comparison between the simulation results and sample real measurement data. This simulation design method can simplify the POTS splitter development process, improve the development efficiency and quicken the development speed.
Electronic Technology