目的了解2015年社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金项目的申请与批准的相关情况,为将来社会组织申请和实施艾滋病防治基金(简称防艾基金)项目提供参考。方法对社会组织与培育基地通过"社会组织参与艾滋病防治基金项目管理系统"填报的903份项目申请书和批准的751份申请书,按高危人群干预类和艾滋病病毒感染者/病人随访管理和关怀救助类进行整理和分析。结果 758家社会组织申请了903个项目,总经费约6 968.3万元。经评审,共批准了751个项目,总经费4 506.3万元。其中在民政部门登记的社会组织获批项目占申请项目的比例为81.0%(196/242),未在民政部门登记的社会组织依托316家培育基地获批项目数占申请项目的比例为84.0%(555/661)。经评审批准的项目中,高危人群干预类项目占未在民政部门登记的社会组织项目数的65.0%。由当地疾病预防控制部门作为培育基地联合未在民政部门登记的社会组织申请获得批准的项目占全部项目的50.5%(379/751),项目的平均经费为4.8万元;由在民政部门登记的社会组织单独申请获得批准的项目占全部项目的26.1%(196/751),项目的平均经费为6.9万元。结论社会组织申请和获批准的项目多集中在高危行为干预类活动;依托培育基地的项目相对规模较小,需要进一步的支持和指导。
Objective To understand the relevant information of community based organizations(CBOs)on application and approval of the projects supported by China AIDS Fund for Non-Governmental Organizations(CAFNGO)in 2015,and provide evidences for future CBOs application and implementation of the projects.Methods Analysis was made on the applications of 903 projects submitted by CBOs through " CAFNGO Project Management System" and approval of 751 projects covering the fields of high-risk population intervention and people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHA)follow-up management and care.Results 758 CBOs applied for 903 projects,with the total budget of RMB69.683 million.After the expert review,751 projects were approved,with the budget of RMB45.063 million.Among the approved projects,projects to be implemented by registered CBOs accounted for 81.0%(196/242),and those by non-registered CBOs was 84.0%(555/661);the number of projects involved in the high risk population intervention accounted for 65.0% of the non-registered CBOs;the rate of the approved projects jointly applied by the non-registered CBOs and CDC as CBOs' supporters accounted for 50.5%(379/751),with the average budget of RMB48000 for each,and the approved projects applied by registered CBOs accounted for 26.1%(196/751),with the average budget of RMB 69000 for each.Conclusion The approved projects applied by CBOs mainly focus on high-risk behavior intervention.The average budget supporting the projects applied jointly by nonregistered CBOs and CDC or other entities is relatively smaller,implying that those non-registered CBOs need further guidance and development.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD