

Study on low-pressure separator gas desulfurization process of supergravity reactor
摘要 针对盘锦北方沥青股份有限公司200 kt/a环烷基馏分油加氢装置存在低分气中硫化氢脱除效果波动较大及工艺炉的空气预热器腐蚀严重等问题,结合超重力反应器可强化传质并高效的特点,中国石油化工股份有限公司抚顺石油化工研究院开发了超重力反应器-钠法低分气脱硫技术,并进行了工业试验研究。结果表明:(1)旋转床脱硫技术脱硫效率受液气比影响,当液气比大于0.5 L/m^3时,即可保证硫化氢脱除率大于99.5%;(2)旋转床脱硫技术脱硫效率受碱耗影响,当钠硫比大于1.0时,即可保证硫化氢脱除率大于99.5%;(3)钠硫比对生成吸收液的pH值影响较大,碱耗一定的情况下,液气比对生成吸收液的pH值没有影响。旋转床脱硫技术长周期连续运转期间,装置运行平稳,脱硫化氢效果稳定,出口硫化氢质量分数始终低于400μg/g,脱除率大于99.0%。 The 200,000 TPY hydrotreating unit for naphthene base oil in Panjin North Asphalt Co., Ltd. suffers from problems of great fluctuation of removal rate of hydrogen sulfide in low-pressure separator gas and serious corrosion in the air pre-heater of industry furnaces. Based upon the characteristics of high mass transfer and high efficiency of super gravity reactor, Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals (FRIPP) has successfully developed a new ultra-gravity reactor-sodium desulfurization process for removing hy- drogen sulfide from low-pressure separator gas, and commercial demonstration tests have been made. The experi- mental results show that ( 1 ) the desulfurization efficiency of the rotary bed desulphurization technology is affect- ed by liquid to gas ratio. When the liquid to gas ratio is higher than 0.5 L/m3, the removal rate of hydrogen sul- fide is higher than 99.5% ; (2) The desulfurization efficiency of rotating bed desulfurization is also affected by alkali consumption. When the sodium to sulfur ratio is higher than 1, the hydrogen sulfide removal rate is grea- ter than 99.5% ; (3) Sodium to sulfur ratio has a greater impact on the pH value for the formation of absorption liquid. At a fixed alkali consumption, sodium to sulfur ratio has no impact on the pH value of absorption liquid. Rotary bed desulfurization process is long and stable in unit operation and stable in desulfurization efficiency. The mass percentage of hydrogen sulfide at the outlet is lower than 400 ppm, and desuffurization rate is greater than 99%.
作者 王岩 Wang Yah(SINOPEC Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Fushun, Liaoning 113001)
出处 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2017年第7期5-8,共4页 Petroleum Refinery Engineering
关键词 超重力反应器 低分气 硫化氢 脱硫 super-gravity reactor, low-pressure separator gas, hydrogen sulfide, desulfurization
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