
伪托闾丘胤撰《寒山子诗集序》的接受与演化——以寒山、拾得之形象演变为中心 被引量:5

The Acceptance and Evolution of the Hanshanzi's Poetic Collection as a Pseudograph by Lu Qiuyin
摘要 寒山,在唐代文学史上可称最神秘、最奇特的人物。由于身份不明,精神涵容多元,故宋代以降社会各阶层对之表现出浓厚的探奇心理,并依照自我需要加以诠释、演化,使其人物形象由佛化仙,最终成为和合神。在这个过程中,伪托闾丘胤的《寒山子诗集序》成为最基础的文献史料。该《序》以半真半幻的面貌出现,这为传播与接受带来的不是障碍与怀疑,而是想象与解释的空间。这与序、诗内在精神一致有关,也与晚唐及宋代人不断补充情节以填补隙漏有关;前者增加了"本事"的可信性,后者扩大了"本事"的知识面。正因为如此,长期以来该《序》的伪托问题和史实舛误被掩盖了,人们不但不予深究,反而照本宣科,甚至化溪流为大河,这在唐代文学接受史上是一个相当极端而又极有意味的典型。 Han Shan in the literary history of the Tang Dynasty can be considered as the most mysterious and particular character. As his identity remained in vague and the connotation of the figure is multi-explicated,ever since the Song Dynasty various exploration out of curiosity has been made into this character. The figure transformed from Buddha,sage,and finally became a god. During the process the collection of poems as a pseudograph by Lu Qiuyin has been regarded the most basic text. Its fantastic preface created space for imagination and explanation,instead of suspicion and obstacle in its spread. This is consistent with the inwardness of these poems,as well as related with the constant improvement in the late Tang and Song dynasties,which increased its reliability and expanded its informative dimension. Out of the positive effects,the questionable pseudo issue has been ignored. It is interesting and uncommon in the acceptance history of Tang literature that the reader and critics not only accepted this version but also even developed it.
作者 罗时进 LUO Shi-jin(School of Literature, Suzhou University, Suzhou 215006, China)
机构地区 苏州大学文学院
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期98-106,共9页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
关键词 寒山 拾得 《寒山子诗集序》 文殊普贤 和合二仙 Han Shan Shi De the preface of Hanshanzi's poetic collection Manjusri and Samantabhadra
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  • 1台湾学者钟玲.《寒山在东方和西方文学界的地位》[N].台湾《中央日报》,1970年3月8日-12日.
  • 2赵滋蕃编.《寒山的时代精神》[M].这一代出版社,1970年8月版.第8页.
  • 3.《太平广记》[A].杜光庭.《仙传拾遗》[C].,..
  • 4Peter Stambler, Encounters With Cold Mountain :Poems by Han Shah (Beijing: Panda Books, 1996), p. 13.
  • 5Dana Phillips, "Is Nature Necessary?", The Ecocriticism Reader (Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press, 1996), p.218.
  • 6Robert J. Begiebing and Owen Grumbling, eds. ,The Literature of Nature : The British and American Traditions (Medford, NJ. : Plexus Publishing, Inc. , 1990), p.645,641.
  • 7Patrick D. Murphy, A Place for Wayfaring: the Poetry and Prose of Gary Snyder (Corvallis, OR, Oregon State University Press, 2000), p. 10.
  • 8Robert Finch and John Elder, eds., The .Morton Book of Nature Writing (New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1990), p. 645.
  • 9Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire: A Season in the Wilderness (New York: Ballantine Book, 1971), p. 155; p.66.
  • 10Lawrence Buell, The Environmental Imagination :Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1996), p.178.












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